Tag: truths

5 Steps to Gain Wisdom

The great thing about wisdom is its timelessness. Whether wisdom is a creation of the divine or man, from thousands of years ago or today, it is always relevant. Let’s look at five steps to gain more wisdom and live a better life. What exactly is wisdom? The meaning of wisdom can vary...

Unforeseen Truths about Being a Woman in Today’s Society

Remember the days when shoulder pads could double as impromptu parachutes, and heels were like an entry-level rock climbing adventure? In those times, you’d been considered downright underdressed without this battle armour. But it’s 2023 — power dressing has morphed into a heady bl...

Are Vivek's Ten Truths Yours?

The 2024 Republican presidential field has already been reduced by one. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez dropped out after failing to qualify for the first GOP presidential debate. Others will follow, but one candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, is gaining strength. He is running third in most polls, behind Trump ...

20 Truths About Women All Men Should Learn

Women are meant to be loved, not understood. While a charming sentiment, I do believe that valuable life experiences help to teach us, as men, important lessons about women that shape our interactions and relationships with them through the years. Not just as intimate partners, but as friends...

10 Harsh Truths About Life That No One Tells You About

Life is beautiful and rewarding. However, it also comes with its share of harsh truths we must face head-on. Facing these truths about life can be challenging because they can bring us discomfort. But these truths push us to confront painful realities and trigger emotions we must avoid. When y...

Hard Truths About Affairs Nobody Wants to Hear but Everybody Knows

Although nobody thinks highly of affairs, surprisingly, many have them. It is estimated that over 40% of married couples have had infidelity issues. Here’s the thing. Suppose everyone has experienced cheating in one way or another. In that case, there must be more to having affairs t...

7 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit

How often do you feel lost and confused in life? Probably quite often. And that’s because life is like operating a high-tech machine without any instruction manual. You have to learn things on your own and figure out the rules of the game, or you will be left behind. So, here are 7 harsh...

20 Truths About Women All Men Should Learn

Oscar Wilde once remarked: Women are meant to be loved, not understood. While a charming sentiment, I do believe that valuable life experiences help to teach us, as men, important lessons about women that shape our interactions and relationships with them through the years. Not just as int...

Hard Truths About Tech Leadership

Congratulations on your promotion or hiring as a manager! This new journey will be a thrilling adventure, but it’s filled with challenges and learning curves. Let’s chart the course for successful leadership together. If you are new to tech leadership this article is for you. 1. Embra...

Remembrance Day and the truths that dare not speak their name

The ritual of tribute to fallen soldiers is a tradition that stretches back to antiquity. From then to the present the exaltation of those who have died fighting in a tribe, city state or nation’s wars has been crucial in uniting said community around a common narrative of shared purpose and v...

Four Noble Truths of Buddhism | Find The Origin | Samudya (समुदय) | Sensitive Ears

The four noble truths of Buddhism have been on my radar for some time. I heard about it during my Vipassana course in 2020. A speech from a fellow Toastmaster reignited my interest to write on it. Some weeks back, I wrote about the ‘First Noble Truth.’ This initiative aims t...

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

After my time in Alaska, I moved back to Colorful Colorado with my wife, our first kid, and one on the way. I started my first corporate job working in the ad agency arm of a small e-commerce tech company. Being back in Colorado set the environment to return to authors I had read before that had cha...

3 Tender Truths God Wants Us to Know About Sleep

Nothing will ever intellectually prove that God exists, or that he doesn’t. God’s too smart for that. But if you do believe in God, or would like to, you might pause and ask yourself this — Why would God create us to sleep so much? About a third of our lives! Wha...

Harsh Truths About Your Sun Sign Nobody Will Tell You

If you find yourself reading this post, know that you are unfortunate enough to have been born on this planet. If you have been born, then you were born on a certain day of a certain month and at a certain time of a certain year. It also means you have a sun sign that bears testament to your asshole...

The Climate Change Puzzle: Unmasking Truths and Charting the Path of Impactful Action.

Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most pressing crises of our time. With its sense of urgency, activists, researchers, politicians, and the general public have endeavored to find answers, and explore numerous variables, perhaps even too many. Unfortunately, this has led to both confusion and ...

Strange and Wonderful Truths about Tears

Atearful goodbye. The tears of a clown. Breaking down in tears. The drops of liquid that fall from our eyes are ripe for metaphor, evoking emotion as much as they express it. Perhaps that’s what differentiates them from what comes out of our other face holes. They don’t merely exist for ...

5 Painful Truths of Living With ADHD

When you think about ADHD, what do you picture? Is it a fidgety child who can’t do well in school? Is it an angry person who doesn’t know how to control their emotions? Is it an endlessly unticked to-do list? I live with ADHD and, if I was the poster girl for it, this is how it would ...

YouTube Gender Wars / Brutal Realities-Honest Truths

They date “down” until they can afford their dream woman. Capitalism is sexy! In the games that men play with other men, competition, with big egos, men want beauty and have been so clear about this it is see through at this point. “Trophy wife” is a real thing -the pre...

The Dark Truths About School: A Closer Look at the Education System

For many, the education system has long been seen as a necessary and vital institution, shaping the minds of future generations and helping them prepare for the world that lies ahead. However, there are those who argue that the system in its current form is far from perfect, and in some ways, may ev...