Tag: Triggered

Deal With a Triggered Emotion Just as You Would a Painful Knot During Massage

I’m writing this from my room at Mickey Singer’s Temple of the Universe in Alachua, Florida. It’s my second visit, the first being in early March. It’s been quite a trip, in more ways than one, which I’ll write about in depth later this week. For now, I wan...

How to Travel Full-Time When You Have Crippling Anxiety, Depression, and Travel-Triggered Mental Health Issues

Trigger warning: This article talks about anxiety, depression, OCD, and other mental health issues. Proceed with caution. Travel and mental health issues don’t play well together. When you live out of Airbnbs with no fixed address and spend all your time flinging yourself out of your com...

Why Some White People Feel Triggered by Black History Month

When a topic triggers someone, they may react defensively, and it's my suspicion that this is why some White people respond poorly to Black History Month. Since 1969, Americans have celebrated Black History Month in February. However, for some White people, focusing on the contributions and expe...

Why Some White People Feel Triggered by Black History Month

When a topic triggers someone, they may react defensively, and it's my suspicion that this is why some White people respond poorly to Black History Month. Since 1969, Americans have celebrated Black History Month in February. However, for some White people, focusing on the contributions and expe...

The Story That Triggered Some White People Out of Their Minds

I thought I made the case that there were Black people in Japan during the period starting in 1600 when the series and the novel by James Clavell were set. There was a previous version of Shogun from 1980 that was praised for its cinematography yet condemned for advancing a white savior tr...

How One Reporter's Denial Triggered a Discussion About Racism in 1998

Denial is a shield in defiance of the truth, a way of holding onto preconceived notions no matter how many facts come flying your way. At least, that's how it feels watching White people deny the harmful impact of racist laws, policies, and beliefs throughout the history of this country. Take Da...