Deal With a Triggered Emotion Just as You Would a Painful Knot During Massage

<p>I&rsquo;m writing this from my room at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Mickey Singer&rsquo;s Temple of the Universe</a>&nbsp;in Alachua, Florida. It&rsquo;s my second visit, the first being in early March. It&rsquo;s been quite a trip, in more ways than one, which I&rsquo;ll write about in depth later this week.</p> <p>For now, I want to focus on something Mickey said in his Temple talk yesterday. He was talking about how to deal with inner disturbances.</p> <p>What does he mean by inner disturbances? Some examples:</p> <blockquote> <p>- Your parents hounded you about your weight throughout your teen years, causing you to become extremely sensitive about your body into adulthood. You&rsquo;re in your 30s now, work out regularly and have a fantastic body. Nevertheless, on your third date with a guy you really like, his innocent comment about how fast you devoured your cr&egrave;me brulee cuts you to your core.</p> <p>- You have a deep fear of abandonment due to your mom leaving the family when you were twelve years old, resulting in a history of avoiding intimate relationships. Now 35, you have a near-panic attack when your girlfriend of three months broaches the subject of moving in together.</p> <p>- You developed an inferiority complex around sports because you were scrawny and unathletic as a kid. Now in your 40s, you&rsquo;re a successful lawyer at a blue-chip law firm. But when you get picked last at a pickup basketball game with some of your attorney colleagues, it strikes a sore spot that deflates you.</p> </blockquote> <p>These are all examples of painful experiences we hold onto. They just sit there, pockets of energy stuck in our lower selves, determining the course of our lives.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>