Tag: Tragedy

9/11: What Makes a Tragedy Worth Never Forgetting?

I was driving into work today and saw several flags flying at half-mast. As a military veteran, I began asking myself what happened? Did something happen overnight that I missed? As I checked my various news feeds, I realized that today was September 11th. Flags are flying at half-mast in remembranc...

The Unspoken Tragedy: Climate Change Grips Wildlife — Thinking of Yours

Stealthily infiltrating our ecosystems, climate change leaves a path of destruction in its wake. Even though its effects on our lives are frequently discussed, we cannot ignore the silent tragedy that is taking place in the natural world. The weight of this calamity falls on wildlife, the mute ...

Legacy of Tragedy: The Matthew Shepard Murder and Its Impact on Hate Crime Legislation and LGBTQ+ Rights

Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old University of Wyoming student, was approached by Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson at a local bar. McKinney and Henderson offered Shepard a ride home but instead drove to a remote area. There, they robbed, pistol-whipped, and tortured Shepard, leaving him tied to a ...

What Lessons Can We Learn From Maine’s Horrible Tragedy

Even if someone advocates strongly for the right to bear arms and wants to protect civil liberties, this case should cause us all to say, “Enough is enough.” There were too many warning signs regarding the shooter, which indicated he was headed toward chaos. One obvious factor was ...

A Tragedy in Maine

The loss of life, devastation to the injured, and unalterable impact to all the affected families and the local community is heartbreaking. The situation is still unfolding. Surviving victims are in hospital beds trying to comprehend the extent of damage inflicted on their bodies. Next of kin are...

Tragedy Strikes Dallas: Remembering Paula Rivera

In a heartbreaking turn of events, Dallas witnessed a tragic incident on the evening of October 17, 2023. Paula Rivera, a 72-year-old grandmother known for her vibrant spirit and strong presence in her family, was fatally shot while standing in her kitchen. This devastating incident has left he...

The Tragedy of the Non-Commons

“The Tragedy of the Commons”, a paper published by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in 1968, is arguably one of the most influential ecology publications of all times. Its central claim is that ‘commons’ — which Hardin equates with open, unregulated access — inevitabl...

Echoes of an Ancient Tragedy: Pompeii

Pompeii, located near the Bay of Naples in southern Italy, remains frozen in time, a terrifying witness to the power of nature and the resilience of human civilization. This ancient Roman city, preserved by Mount Vesuvius’ tragic eruption in 79 AD, provides a rare glimpse into the daily life, ...

TOP Hidden Tragedy of the Space Race: The Nedelin Catastrophe Unveiled

Have you ever stumbled upon a story so shrouded in secrecy that its very existence feels like a whisper from the past? The Nedelin catastrophe is precisely that — a devastating explosion that claimed the lives of up to 300 people at the Baikonur test range, yet remained a Cold War secret for d...

The Tragedy of Philadelphia: A Wake-Up Call for Our Broken Government

The horrifying tragedy that unfolded in Philadelphia is an unwavering reminder of the ruthless and cataclysmic toll drug addiction exacts upon individuals and entire communities. In the shadowed depths of Kensington, Philadelphia, the insidious grip of drug addiction and the plight of homelessness h...

Strutting Towards Nowhere: A Modern Tragedy

The man — an imitation of many others — struts around town like a peacock, flaunting his so-called sophistication, but in reality, he’s nothing more than a glorified monkey in a garish polyester suit with a corporate noose-like tie around his neck. He’s like a prisoner being ...