The food and drinks we consume leave residues on the teeth. These residues, called dental plaque, which are primarily soft in consistency, contain many bacteria. While it has a soft consistency, it can be cleaned by individuals with an effective oral care. If it is not removed, the minerals in the s...

Yes I have reached the age where its “Not OK” ,to lose a tooth!

Well now you spend your day on the grind and sit in traffic only to get home when both you and the suns lost shine You wake up at 6am maybe earlier with regret out of the starting blocks in a rush, get the kids out of bed and fed, you half shave, shower , get dressed and leave your coffee half dr...

What It’s Like to Get a Wisdom Tooth Out with Just Local Anesthetic

1–23–2008: I can be such a pain-in-the-ass hypochondriac sometimes. But, I’m not the type that goes to the doctor every five minutes. I’m more on the other extreme; I ignore aches and pains, figuring (hoping) they’ll go away on their own. (And, they almost alw...

How to have a tooth extraction with grace and ease

Once pulling teeth was almost the first resort of some mid-twentieth-century dentists, and now it’s usually the last resort when you’ve tried everything else. Unfortunately, it’s still standard practice for many orthodontists to recommend removing healthy wisdom teeth or premola...

Ukraine’s Tooth to Russia’s Tail

If we add all those up, we can see that Ukraine has a very significant advantage, and that list is not all-inclusive. I will think up things I should have added before I finish this article, no doubt. And there it is — I forgot one. Russia has one big advantage that Ukraine doesn’t have ...