Ukraine’s Tooth to Russia’s Tail

<p>If we add all those up, we can see that Ukraine has a very significant advantage, and that list is not all-inclusive. I will think up things I should have added before I finish this article, no doubt. And there it is &mdash; I forgot one. Russia has one big advantage that Ukraine doesn&rsquo;t have regarding logistics &mdash; Russia doesn&rsquo;t care if their troops starve or have to drink contaminated water and contract dysentery, so they don&rsquo;t need to ship as much food or water. Come to think of it that might not be such a big advantage after all. But what does it all mean?</p> <p>Russia has around 1,300,000 troops, and Ukraine has 700,000, according to some reports that I don&rsquo;t put particular faith in, but we will use those numbers here. If we look at the US historical &ldquo;tooth-to-tail&rdquo; ratio, we can see that somewhere between 8% and 28% of the total size of the army is actually involved in combat roles to some degree, even if that is just holding the line in a trench somewhere. I think that Ukraine conservatively has a tooth-to-tail ratio of around 50%.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ukraines TOOTH