Tag: toolkit

A no-nonsense toolkit for the passionate: Going from the top 10% to the only

If the title drew you to the post, then I’m sure you’ve gotten a taste of the flow before. Perhaps a few times a month? You know your greatest work is born from this. I’ll ask you this: If you knew your peak performance happens in the flow state, would you want to channel this at r...

XR Interaction Toolkit

Now that we have the Oculus Quest Link initiated, let’s dive into the XR Interaction Toolkit. To install the XR Interaction Toolkit, we need to go into Unity’s Package Manager and search for “XR Interaction Toolkit.” You may get a pop-up to enable backends and you w...

An Anti-Racism Toolkit for Moderate White People

As rebellions spread throughout the U.S. in response to racist violence against Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and many others, white Americans must reflect on this critical truth: racism still exists in 2020 because we’ve preserved it. We find ourselves in the midst of&...

How to Setup SRA Toolkit

Once the file extraction is complete, to properly execute the toolkit, create a PATH environment in the terminal using the following command: cd (goes back home) vi .profile (opens the editor) Press I key and then hit Enter. The terminal screen will change into —...

Weed Is an Essential Piece of My HSP Self-Care Toolkit

Explaining to non-highly sensitive people what it’s like to be a highly sensitive person (HSP) is hard. I’ve tried to explain the physical experience of feeling other people’s energy in my body — it can make my chest tense, quicken my heart rate, cause a thumping in my head, ...

DEA Adds Apple AirTag To Surveillance Toolkit

In May 2022, border agents in the US intercepted two packages originating from Shanghai, China. One package contained a pill press, a machine used to form tablets from powders; the other held small vials of pill dyes. It was immediately assumed that this paraphernalia was involved in the creation of...