How to Setup SRA Toolkit

<p>Once the file extraction is complete, to properly execute the toolkit, create a PATH environment in the terminal using the following command:<br /> <code>cd</code>&nbsp;(goes back home)<br /> <code>vi .profile</code>&nbsp;(opens the editor)</p> <p>Press&nbsp;<code>I</code>&nbsp;key and then hit Enter.<br /> The terminal screen will change into&nbsp;<code>&mdash; Insert &mdash;</code>&nbsp;mode.</p> <p>Paste or input your path. For me it will look like this:<br /> <code>export PATH=/home/compbio/sra_data/sratoolkit.3.0.1-ubuntu64/bin:$PATH</code></p> <p>Note: Make sure you are correctly entering the pathway where&nbsp;<strong>your toolkit is installed</strong>. Notice the end of the directory for the toolkit is bin where the software tools e.g. fastq-dump are located.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: SRA toolkit