Tag: Tim

Evaluating Apple’s Leadership: Steve Jobs vs. Tim Cook

Most (not only) Apple fans consider Steve Jobs to be the brilliant visionary who took Apple to the top. Constant comparisons with his successor Tim Cook, are inevitable, and Cook doesn’t come out of such comparisons very well at certain points. Each of the two appointed CEOs had their weakness...

The Story of Tim and Linda.

I showed the ad to the kids who were then aged 16, 15 and 12. Two out of 3 were pretty excited, 1 was holding back in case of disappointment. I then showed the husband and he said ‘ring them up’. So, I emailed the people. They said they had a lot of interest in the dog but we arranged to...

Interview with Tim McCaskell, Author of “Queer Progress: From Homophobia to Homonationalism.”

McCaskell suggested that the success of gay rights and the embrace of gay rights by the state happened at the same time as social inequalities had become more acute than they had been in the 1970s. This resulted in greater fragmentation of the community because we were no longer in the same boat. ...

On the Importance of White Antiracist History… And the Dangers of Its Erasure: An Interview with Tim Wise

Tim Wise: Well, in the U.S. we’ve done a horrible job of teaching history in general. Obviously, for years we’ve left out the contributions and the struggles led by people of color, except for very cursory mentions. But in addition to that, we’ve also left out this large &m...