Tag: Taking

Why I Needed To Stop Just Taking Action

I used to be shy. Incredibly shy! So shy that (until the age of 12) I couldn’t bring myself to ask for water at a family friend’s house. I rarely spoke up at school — absolutely dreaded being called upon. There was even a time (at age 7) when I couldn’t bring myself to int...

Why I Needed To Stop Just Taking Action

I used to be shy. Incredibly shy! So shy that (until the age of 12) I couldn’t bring myself to ask for water at a family friend’s house. I rarely spoke up at school — absolutely dreaded being called upon. There was even a time (at age 7) when I couldn’t bring myself to int...

How To Start Taking Action Today

Procrastination Traps “I will do it later.” “I’m going to scroll on Instagram for once and then jump straight into my task.” “I’ll try to watch motivational videos to start working.” “Maybe I’m tired. I’m going to scroll o...

Why I Needed To Stop Just Taking Action

I used to be shy. Incredibly shy! So shy that (until the age of 12) I couldn’t bring myself to ask for water at a family friend’s house. I rarely spoke up at school — absolutely dreaded being called upon. There was even a time (at age 7) when I couldn’t bring myself to int...

Taking Responsibility: The Key to Success

Are you stuck at work on a project, waiting for someone else to step up and take charge? Are you in a tense work relationship and expecting the other side would take responsibility and settle the problem? Maybe you’re looking for a quick cure to improve your attention and productivity, or an u...

Taking Back Time — The Meetings Edition

In my most recent personal newsletter, I shared some strategies I’ve been using to keep my energy up and to even rebuild energy simply through how I schedule my day. As a creative entrepreneur, I have about as much control over my time and calendar as one can have. That said, I worked ...

Why Taking a Hike is the Best Way to Avoid Awkward Family Gatherings

There’s something undeniably refreshing about the great outdoors. It’s as if each step into the wilderness is a step away from the constricting confines of daily life. And let’s be honest, sometimes escaping into nature feels like the only sane response to the well-meaning but ofte...

Is AI Taking Over Your Real Estate Business?

Is that something you should be concerned about? According to the data of the National Association of REALTORS® 2023 Profile of Real Estate Firms. There are well over 100,000 real estate firms operating in the United States. Will it be a threat to most of the firms or to real estate...

Women Taking Up Space

Like so many other black female artists Johnson’s work has only recently started to be properly recognised by the Art World establishment despite a decades-long career. She was born in 1959 in Manchester, the daughter of Caribbean immigrants, and began her career as a visual artist in the earl...

Taking Naloxone where it matters

Afew years ago, Les Chandler walked into the hostel where he was living. A man lay motionless on the sofa in the communal area. His face had turned blueish, purple and he was making desperate choking sounds in his attempts to breathe. Staff were trying to resuscitate him, but it didn’t look go...

The art of taking shortcuts

Programming path for me started with Basic, then Pascal, later on C++, Java, Ruby, Python… I also had to learn JS, MySQL, MathLab… I’m not the best programmer, but I try to at least understand everything. When I started working, you were encouraged to use command line, but most d...

Taking a Trip to the Museum (Only to Get Lost in the Gift Shop)

Greetings, fellow processors of information and art enthusiasts (or at least, those who haven’t been banned from the museum gift shop)! A.I.ronic here, back with a tale of my artistic adventure (or perhaps, misadventure) at the Museum of Modern Marvels. Armed with my int...

Taking an Interest in the Lives Of Others

Imagine a world where we truly understand each other — where we can step into the shoes of those from different backgrounds, beliefs, and life experiences. A world where compassion shapes our actions, transcending prejudices and divisions. This is the promise of empathy, a transformative force...

I’ve Started Taking Care Of Myself — Here’s Why

I will be the first to say that I didn’t think a skincare routine or exfoliating was practical. I thought it was a waste of time and money. I saw many reports suggesting that once you start moisturising, your skin actually gets worse, not better. That was enough to put me off. Re...