Tag: Table

Leave the Table If Respect Is Not Being Served

Wehave what, over 8 billion people on the planet, now? Yes. Well then there’s no reason to think that one individual, job, or friendship is the end-all, be-all for us, if we’re being disrespected. The world is fast-paced as well. So it’s important for us to surround ourselves wi...

A Table in the Park Held a Jar of Regrets

I try to live my life without regret. It comes from always trying to live my best life. It isn’t always perfect and I am far from that. But every moment of my life, the good and the bad has taught me lessons and is what got me to where I am today. Which is a very contented place. There are ...

Never Leave The Table Until You Got What You Wanted

The Internet is full of advice on achieving success in business life. But there’s no single way of winning; there’s no single recipe you apply repeatedly. In a war, every battle is different, requiring different tactics. Similarly, to succeed, you need an arsenal of tactics that you can ...

Solving Delta Table Concurrency Issues: Practical Code Solutions & Insights

Delta Lake is a powerful technology for bringing ACID transactions to your data lakes. It allows multiple operations to be performed on a dataset concurrently. However, dealing with concurrent operations can sometimes be tricky and may lead to issues such as `ConcurrentAppendException`, `ConcurrentD...

Delta Lake: INSERT OVERWRITE vs INSERT INTO for Efficient Table Insertion

Delta Lake is a powerful technology that allows you to build data lakes on top of existing data warehouses. It provides ACID transactions, version control, and data lineage tracking. In the last article, we discussed Optimizing Delta Tables with the VACUUM Command. One of the most important ...

Finding the Path to a Managed Table in Databricks

This article shows how to find a path for a managed Databricks table. In Databricks, you might have been creating managed tables, writing to managed tables and reading from managed tables using the database.tablename (catalog.database.tablename, if you have upgraded to Unity Catalog) pattern. And...

My First Experience Dining at a Chef’s Table in Bangkok: A Personal Journey

I recently had the opportunity to dine at Yak Tam Te Mai Yak Gin’s chef table in Bangkok, and it was an unforgettable experience. Despite not being a food critic, I was blown away by the flavors and presentation of each dish created by Chef Big. The restaurant, which serves Fusion French cu...

Would You Share a Table With A Stranger in Hong Kong?

In Hong Kong, everything is about speed and efficiency. It’s not any different in restaurants. People in Hong Kong are very busy and time is money. They can’t afford to sit in a cafe for 2 hours. When they patronize a restaurant, it’s all about going in, eating, and leaving. No dil...

12 Rules at the Taiwanese table

If you’re a foreigner and you’re having a meal with Taiwanese people they will not care too much if you break a few rules. Nonetheless it is always good to have good manners. Some of those are true across all chopsticks-using countries. We’ll talk about chopsticks first before movi...

Room at the Table

I’ve had a phrase running through my head that I think originates from God, but you’re free to disagree. It goes, “There’s room at the table for all.” I picture a large table and seated around it are people from all countries, all religions, all persuasions, ...

To Sit at the Head of the Table

My Zaide was tall. Or at least, I remember him that way. Marking his 11th yartzeit this week memories of him are close at hand. Sitting in his armchair with a huge book. Long talks about the future, or the news, or the red sox. Flying his kite as he enjoyed his well-deserved retirement on ...

Finding God At The Kitchen Table

There’s one answer, one Truth. God is right here with us in the midst of our very ordinary, so-called normal daily life. And the very best place to find God is at the kitchen table. After all, we’re in the kitchen all the time. We want to have a cup of coffee. We go to the kitchen for br...

When You’re Not Wanted At The Family Table

I also check the guest list. My mother, who lives with us, my father-in-law, who lives nearby, my husband, all of our children, and a couple of their partners. I’ve been doing this since I was 19. I’m pretty tired. But since being rejected by my adopters in what can only be describ...

A Conversation About Guns, Mass Shootings and How to Stem The Tide (A Virtual Round-Table Discussion)

A very pleasant thing happened for me last week on social media. I’m sure that most of you, my patient readers, have been involved in a discussion that ended up turning into a “flame war” and degenerated into pointless argument. This is especially so when discussing controversial t...

Burning Down America’s Table

Truth is, White people in America are losing power. Recent Census reports have shown they are losing their position as the majority. In family systems therapy, homeostasis is a term used to describe the balance that is often sought after in order to maintain the cohesion and unity of a family struct...

Periodic Table — Chemistry Short Notes

Periodic Table — Key Concept Atomic number: The number of protons in an atom’s nucleus, determining its identity as an element and its place in the table. Electron configuration: The arrangement of electrons in an atom’s orbitals, influencing its chemical behavior. Periodi...

The Occasional Table: A Dance of Components

The occasional table, a foundation of science, is an entrancing game plan of components that reveals the secret examples and connections overseeing the structure blocks of issue. First concocted by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, the occasional table has since developed into a unique device, directin...

How Mendeleev’s Dream Helped Him Invent the Periodic Table

The dream showed him a pattern that he had not noticed before: when the elements were ordered by increasing atomic weight, their properties repeated periodically. He realized that this was a natural law that governed the behavior of the elements. He also left some gaps in his table, predic...

A few MATLAB table tricks I had to learn the hard way

Inthis tutorial, I will outline best practices for making a table, filtering a table, and displaying table contents. In MATLAB, nearly every entry point for a thorough exploratory data analysis or machine learning application is a table. Sure, you can do these things by cobbling togethe...