Tag: Survivors

If You Support My Abuser, You Are Not A Good Advocate For Survivors of Sexual Violence

Dear Ashton and Mila, Why do so many celebrities and their friends publicly vouch for the character of convicted sex offenders? I’m a survivor of multiple instances of sexual violence, dating back to childhood. In spite of this, I’ve seen justice precisely one t...

Unity Case Study: Vampire Survivors

Before I get into the source code and project structure of Vampire Survivors, I’ll explain how I got here. I wanted to create a Unity game, and landed on the Survivors genre as it’s small in scope but also popular. The plan was to whip up a small demo in a couple of weeks and release....

Tips for Allies of Abuse-Survivors

Avoid saying “hope you are well” or “hope you're feeling better” or “heal soon” or “speedy recovery” to an abuse-survivor (whether domestic violence, sexual assault, hate crime, etc). Unless we have told you that you have our consent to say such...

12 Quotes from Survivors to Read on #HolocaustRemembranceDay

On January 27, the global community spends time reflecting for International Holocaust Remembrance Day — the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. There will be a time, far too soon, when we’ll have no survivors to tell their firsthand accou...