Tag: surprises

#SoloFemaleTravel: Life’s surprises in Rome, Italy

Earlier in 2023, I thought of fulfilling my wanderlust and taking off on a solo trip in Europe — something my younger self wouldn’t have even dreamed of. In my attempt to live in the present (coupled with my habit of tardily posting photos), I felt it was important to journal my ...

The Many Surprises Taipei Can Offer

Taiwan has never caught my interest until recently when I had to make big changes on the first quarter of my travel plans this year due to a very important event I can’t miss. Instead of going far from my mother land, I decided to visit this neighbouring island country. I have read about Su...

5 Surprises One Year After Retirement

I wrote an article a couple of years ago about the surprises I encountered within a month of retirement that seemed to resonate with a lot of people. Some of what I said, a few people experienced. Others agreed about the surprises I encountered, such as losing “friends” fr...

Retirement: Five Surprises During My Final Week of Teaching

Today begins the final week of my 36-year career as a teacher. The time has finally arrived. There is something unreal about it. In a few days, I will walk out of this classroom, shut the door, and never return. I will probably take one last look at the classroom as I exit. My desk drawers will b...

A Smattering of Early Retirement Surprises … Should We Have Known?

Two years ago I bid farewell to the world of full-time work (more on that in a moment), confident my wife and I had planned carefully and well. You already know the punchline, so I’ll get right to it: my Emperor Palpatine moments (hear now in your head the Emperor’s smug gloat to Dart...