5 Surprises One Year After Retirement

<p>I wrote an article a couple of years ago about the&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@bamaman92/5-things-that-surprised-me-once-i-retired-97371ab9d220" rel="noopener">surprises</a>&nbsp;<em>I encountered within a month of retirement&nbsp;</em>that seemed to resonate with a lot of people. Some of what I said, a few people experienced. Others agreed about the surprises I encountered, such as losing &ldquo;friends&rdquo; from my former employer. I got a lot of feedback on that one. I appreciate all the responses I got to that article.</p> <p>So, I think it&rsquo;s time for another article along those same lines of surprises. This time, I&rsquo;m going to write about 5 surprises&nbsp;<strong><em>I encountered one year</em></strong>&nbsp;after retirement. It&rsquo;s been a long time since I celebrated my one-year anniversary of retirement. So, I had to sit down and remember all of what surprised me and what took place.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@bamaman92/5-surprises-one-year-after-retirement-0d7d5a5c3b58"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: surprises One