A Smattering of Early Retirement Surprises … Should We Have Known?

<p>Two years ago I bid farewell to the world of full-time work (more on that in a moment), confident my wife and I had planned carefully and well.</p> <p>You already know the punchline, so I&rsquo;ll get right to it: my Emperor Palpatine moments (hear now in your head the Emperor&rsquo;s smug gloat to Darth Vader &ldquo;<em>Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen</em>&rdquo;) were fleeting.</p> <p>Surprises, I&rsquo;ve had a few. Thinking about it now, though, I should be most surprised by the fact that I was surprised.</p> <p>Why is that, you ask?</p> <p>When in my life up to that point had everything gone according to plan? I was working as a corporate lawyer, for heaven&rsquo;s sake! The job description might as well be &ldquo;Daily triage of other idiots&rsquo; fuckups; that is when you&rsquo;re not putting out fires of your own making.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/crows-feet/a-smattering-of-early-retirement-surprises-should-we-have-known-5f48c75dbc6e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>