Tag: suffrage

The future of the U.S.

This photo is from women’s suffrage — how long ago? The supreme court ‘for now’ upheld Idaho’s near abortion ban — this in emergency rooms where a woman is more than likely fighting for her life. I don’t even know what to say. How many deaths will it take, o...

A Brief History of Women Empowerment: From Suffrage to Today

The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 was a milestone in women’s history, as it marked the first women’s rights convention in the United States. Women gathered to discuss the social, civil, and religious rights of women and to draft a Declaration of Sentiments, modeled after the Declaratio...

The Woman Who Lifted the Women’s Suffrage Movement

When American women took to the streets to win their right to vote with the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, one feminine figure stood out strong. Katie Sandwina joined the group of women performers from the Barnum and Bailey Circus that gathered at rallies to demand discrimina...

The future of the U.S.

This photo is from women’s suffrage — how long ago? The supreme court ‘for now’ upheld Idaho’s near abortion ban — this in emergency rooms where a woman is more than likely fighting for her life. I don’t even know what to say. How many deaths will it take, o...