The future of the U.S.

<p>This photo is from women&rsquo;s suffrage &mdash; how long ago? The supreme court &lsquo;for now&rsquo; upheld Idaho&rsquo;s near abortion ban &mdash; this in emergency rooms where a woman is more than likely fighting for her life. I don&rsquo;t even know what to say. How many deaths will it take, or will death even be enough to stop this madness? A non-viable fetus? Nope. The possibility of death? Nope. Suits need to be brought &mdash; can you sue the supreme court? How dare these men decide these things????</p> <p>We are going backward at an alarming rate. And women are the ones suffering the most &mdash; oh, and children being blown away by AR&rsquo;s. You&rsquo;d think since the repugs are so Gung ho on bringing every single baby, wanted or not, viable or not, into the world, that they&rsquo;d at least think twice about this ridiculous second amendment shit. You can interpret till the cows come home but what was decided in the 1700&rsquo;s does not fit in this world we inhabit now. And that goes for many things.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>