Tag: sucks

Your writing likely sucks — not because you can’t write — but because your ideas are not…

It’s taken me a long time to realise the significance of this. When they see their writing isn’t connecting, most people believe the solution lies in writing better. But this isn’t quite right. It has less to do with how you write, and more to do with the idea. Yes, the...

ChatGPT Sucks At Writing Christine Stevens Articles

For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m really living in the sci-fi future. ChatGPT just did all my work for the month in about half an hour. Together we designed and wrote everything for the marketing campaign for this company I work for (no, you will never find out which company. I...

Gen Z Sucks (and what you should do about it as a leader)

You don’t have to search far to find headlines reporting on all of the ways Gen Z sucks in the workplace. Here are a few examples from the past week alone: Gen Z can’t work alongside people with different views because they ‘haven’t got the skills to disagree’ s...

Your Onboarding Sucks Because of These Reasons — Let’s Fix It.

I remember my first day at a new job. I had high expectations and the usual bout of nerves. I got in early and waited for my co-workers to show up. One of them walked in and said “ So you’re the Sean guy?” He then walked off to another meeting — No Handshake. I...

6 reasons Copenhagen sucks

This isn’t one of those annoying headlines that gets flipped on its arse and actually ends up telling you how incredibly amazing Copenhagen is. Nope — this article is an honest account of why Copenhagen is utterly shite. How did I end up somewhere so awful? I fell victim to various ac...

Why the Causeway sucks

I was out on Thursday 6 April evening getting a well-deserved drink. Thankfully I did so in Singapore, and didn’t try to get across the border. Because the border, as it usually does on the evening before a long weekend, was a mess. If I’m going to be honest, I do miss Bak Kut Teh&nbs...