Tag: Stupid

NFTs Aren’t As Stupid As You Think

Last week I was in rural Arizona, and in the course of business I met two of the older guys in town. One of them owns and operates the motel, which most likely exists because if you drive a truck from the Port of Los Angeles for a regulation-limit 11 hour day, right around here is where you end up. ...

Busy Is The New Stupid

Any idiot can be busy today. It actually takes more sophisticated and smart thinking to do less, than to be busy. Having spent many years as an entrepreneur building businesses that generate several hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit a year, I’ve found that being busy is the en...

You Kill Your Brain Cells Rapidly With These 4 Stupid Everyday Activities

Little habits have a big impact on your health. Your daily routine affects your brain health more than you realize. We live in the busiest time in history. There’s so much to get done that we barely have time to relax and recoup as we overwork our brains daily. Your stressful routine lea...

An epic tale about the epic train ride that we didn’t do and Delta airline’s epically stupid policy

This article is going to put your head into a vicious spin, so pay close attention to all the details otherwise you wouldn’t be able to comprehend the twisted logics. Well first of all, this is my first ever Medium writing, and I am not too much into writing. The reason I thought of writing...

Have a Will…Don’t be Stupid About It.

Addiction includes gambling, drugs, alcoholics and various other habits like not having goals and taking advantage of friends and family. Best case scenario, they drink the money away, worst case scenario, they die of a drug overdose. I worked with a doctor that inherited over $300,000 in the 1980&r...

Nazis are stupid, and I Have the Proof: Syndrome K

Don't we all enjoy a good story where the good guys manage to fool the bad guys? I have the best story you’ve ever heard about how education and science won. Syndrome K is the true story of a highly contagious and, more importantly, highly fictitious disease created during the Holoca...

Multitasking Now Will Make You Stupid in Future (5 Ways to Break the Habit)

Do you juggle tasks like switching between email app and attending online calls? or do two things together like scrolling through social media in meetings or while eating? If yes, then you are multitasking. And contrary to popular beliefs, multitasking is not cool. Learn More

Sorry, Tattoos Are Still Stupid

So, I was sitting in some vinyl or cheap plastic-covered chair, in a low-lit room, surrounded by a few strangers. I had my sleeve rolled up. I was ready for what was coming. Then she came by. Set up all her equipment. Rubbed some disinfectant on my arm. And after making sure everything was a go, ...