Have a Will…Don’t be Stupid About It.

<p>Addiction includes gambling, drugs, alcoholics and various other habits like not having goals and taking advantage of friends and family. Best case scenario, they drink the money away, worst case scenario, they die of a drug overdose. I worked with a doctor that inherited over $300,000 in the 1980&rsquo;s when he was just 26 years old and starting dental school. This derailed his education as he spent the next several years wasting the money on women and liquor. He eventually graduated and married in his mid 40&rsquo;s and was sadly unable to have children or adopt. Agencies rejected his adoption application due to his being nearly 50 at the time of application. Sure he graduated and made good money but he regrets the time he spent with people who didn&rsquo;t care about him and most importantly the lost opportunity to have his own family. He will never get that time back.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@4ivetteE/have-a-will-dont-be-stupid-about-it-8d710b26bf82"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stupid