Tag: Striking

Striking a Balance: The Pitfalls of a “Product-Heavy” Organization

With Agile Methodology, there came several different roles that did not exist earlier, Like Scrum Master, Product Owner etc. If the organisation is following Lipstick Agile, with increasing roles and people, teams gradually get divided into internal groups. Two of the most prominent groups are ...

Striking Harmony: The Undeniable Power of a Balanced Life

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work, responsibilities, and digital distractions. More often than not, the quest for success or merely staying afloat can lead to an imbalanced lifestyle. But why is seeking balance so crucial, and how does it im...

Disabled and Striking at USYD

I have a disability that makes it difficult to stand on the pickets, but I am writing this today as a member of the NTEU in solidarity with the NTEU strike at the University of Sydney. I think most people find union strikes by teachers and staff difficult to understand. I know that I do. I h...

Striking a chord: Noah and Manu

As mentioned in the Genesis chapters of the Old Testament, God was incessantly tormented by the villainous inhabitants of the Earth, and thus to curb this spread of unrighteousness, God sought destruction and Recreation as a plausible solution, as he repented creating such abominable being...

Striking down affirmative action is nowhere close to addressing the real problem

It’s enraging to see my Asian peers celebrating the Supreme Court’s June 29 ruling, which deemed affirmative action as discriminatory. Attending a predominantly Asian high school, I was disheartened last year to hear some of my fellow students lamenting their peers’ admissions t...

Gun Control: Striking a Balance Between Rights and Safety

I. The Right to Bear Arms: Examining differing interpretations of the Second Amendment, we’ll discuss how its historical context and wording contribute to varying viewpoints on the right to own firearm Investigating the argument that an armed citizenry serves as a deterrent to crime and a m...