Striking a chord: Noah and Manu

<p>As mentioned in the&nbsp;<strong>Genesis</strong>&nbsp;chapters of the Old Testament, God was incessantly tormented by the villainous inhabitants of the Earth, and thus to curb this spread of unrighteousness, God sought destruction and Recreation as a plausible solution, as he repented creating such abominable beings.&nbsp;<strong>Noah</strong>, being the only righteous man left on the face of the Earth was approached by God to construct an&nbsp;<strong>Ark</strong>&nbsp;and warned in prior that a humongous deluge will wash away every form of life on Earth. Noah, as per God&rsquo;s wishes constructed a boat which could capacitate a pair of every animal on Earth, along with the seeds of all the plants along with Noah, his wife, his three sons (<strong>Ham</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>Shem</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Japheth</strong>) and the wives of the three sons. Torrential rains ensued, and the entire earth was submerged, with Noah&rsquo;s boat intact on the&nbsp;<strong>Mountains of Ararat</strong>. As the floods subsided, Noah and his family along with all the animals and seeds descended to procreate and thus yet again establish life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Striking chord