Tag: Straight

The Solution Architect’s Guide to Serverless

For years I’ve been proud to say I build 100% serverless cloud applications. I wore it as a badge of honor that the software I designed could elastically scale at every tier and cost virtually nothing to run at small to medium scale. I used to introduce myself to people in tech as a serverl...

Straight Line Thinkers: The Reality Behind 10x Programmers

Recently, I have watched a video of Dave Farley talking about that coding is, in fact, design. In the 20-minute video, there was one concept that shocked me: the straight line thinker programmer. That wording, although previously unknown to me, uncovered something that was already familiar...

Straight People Are Getting Murdered Because Of Homophobia

One year, for pride month, I bought a bunch of pride stickers. I wanted to find a way to celebrate being bisexual, but I never leave the house (because I’m a disabled writer.) So I decided the best way to achieve this would be to wear a pride sticker every day. My stickers came in a variety...

4 Ways “Getting Straight-As” Can Hamper Your Overall Success

Topping effortlessly throughout school, I was always called “gifted.” That sure “gifted” me some heavy arrogance — be it the royal treatment from teachers or my name perma-etched at #1 in exam results. College injected the first dose of humbling — as I ...

New Year 2024: Only go STRAIGHT… don’t knowww

It’s New Year’s Eve and you can feel it: advertisements for bullet journals, champagne, and vision boards fill the air, there is electricity in everything. You listen to the wind and hear it call, “new new new new.” Something new. A change, a shift. Potential energy...

Why do people walk straight at you?

A work colleague once said to me, “If people walk straight at you, don’t move; let them move.” This was a long time ago. It’s still a problem today. Picture the scene. You are walking along a path, and a group of people walk towards you. As they get closer, no one is makin...