The Solution Architect’s Guide to Serverless

<p>For years I&rsquo;ve been proud to say I build 100% serverless cloud applications. I wore it as a badge of honor that the software I designed could elastically scale at every tier and cost virtually nothing to run at small to medium scale.</p> <p>I used to introduce myself to people in tech as a serverless architect and make the best effort to build apps with Lambda, Step Functions, or direct integrations through API Gateway as the only form of compute.</p> <p>But I was wrong in my thinking. That&rsquo;s not necessarily the ideal way to build software. The best way to build software is the one that solves the business problem with the lowest&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">total cost of ownership</a>.</p> <p>Yes, serverless services are great, but let&rsquo;s be honest &mdash; not every business has the budget to upskill its entire engineering staff. Nor do they have the appetite to&nbsp;refactor everything&nbsp;to be completely serverless, and that&rsquo;s ok. I&rsquo;m going to assume you&rsquo;re here because you&rsquo;re interested in incorporating some serverless components into your existing stateful applications.</p> <h1>Setting the Record Straight</h1> <p>First, we need to address some information floating around the internet about serverless services. I&rsquo;ve had many conversations with people that are dismissive around the topic because they are misinformed, operate under false pretenses, or fundamentally don&rsquo;t get the point of serverless. You may or may not have heard a few of these.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>