Tag: stop

Why companies stop innovating

Recently, a friend sent me an article about how leaders within big tech were trying to recapture the early startup spirit. It included trigger phrases for me like “being scrappy” and “be like a startup” and, to me, is a symptom of lack of innovation rather than a way of ...

Why we should stop using labels

We’ve all done it at some point or another. Somebody pushes in front of us and we mentally call them an idiot. We read our favourite news site and nod along when someone is described as “woke” or “liberal” or “right wing”. At work, we might describe someone ...

Stop Asking Why Someone Behaves in the Way They Do

Your small child throws all of their toys out of their pram. You may be tempted to ask as the one who has to pick them up. “Why did you do that?” Your school-age child hides in a cupboard for three hours and reappears just as you are going to ring the police. “Why did you do t...

4 Simple Ways to Stop Overthinking

Even the strongest minds can fall victim to the relentless trap of overthinking. It’s a battle that consumes our thoughts, drains our energy, and undermines our peace of mind. But what if there were simple ways to escape this cycle? In this article, we will delve into four powerful techniqu...

So Passionate You Never Stop Improving: The Secret Behind the Success Of Asimov, Jobs, Seinfeld, Oprah, Buffett, Newton, And All The Greats

Over the last year, I’ve spent several hundred hours using the blockbuster process to research the concept I present in this article, which I will also expand on in a series. This research included collecting dozens of case studies, studying the academic research on motivation g...

Stop repeating DispatchQueue.main.async

The MainQueueDecorator acts as an interface between the RemoteItemLoader and the ItemListController, providing a neat way to handle main queue operations. First, we define the ItemService protocol, which allows us to decouple our code from the concrete implement...

One Last Stop

After our Borneo adventure ended we had just one last country to visit — Thailand. I started my first round the world trip in 2007 in Bangkok, so there’s a nice symmetry to finishing there! But first, it was a convoluted flight to the island of Koh Samui. First we flew out of Sanda...

Quick stop in Prague

At the train station we were seen off by Tomas’ dad, Jan and brother, David. Jan made sure Steve had a traditional goodybe drink at 8 a.m. and we were off. It was over 8 hours to Prague, but we made some friends on the train, so that helped. We did a 3-hour walking tour of Prague’s old t...

Stop Recycling — You’re Killing the Planet

I spent most of 2021 driving around the United States living in my car. I stopped in Jackson, WY for the summer and picked up several part-time jobs. One of those jobs was on the sorting line of the municipal recycling center. On cardboard and plastic days I used a rake to fish contamin...

Are We Supposed to Stop Working Once We Retire?

Retirement is a great goal, but giving up on the momentum of life is not. Once retired, we still need to work to maintain our health and relevance while forging ahead with aging. Many people feel that retirement ends one’s life’s work. While work and retirement seem interrelated, reti...

Stop Buying, Start Saving: Ditch These 8 Habits and Retire 7 Years Earlier

The golden years — a time for freedom, travel, and pursuing passions. But for many, the path to retirement can seem long and winding, paved with late-night emails and budget spreadsheets. What if there was a shortcut? A way to shave years off your retirement timeline, not by working hard...

Stop Asking Me When I’m Having Kids

Not even if, but when. As the constant pressure to procreate rears its aggravating head, everywhere I look, society seems to always insist on reminding me of my place. It’s a woman's expectation, our very purpose for existing. We are just cows to breed; our opinions, feel...

Dear Men, It’s Time to Stop Killing Women.

This next part is a little tricky, but pay close attention. Those aforementioned wives, fiancées, and girlfriends? They might do things that you don’t like. They might do some rotten stuff. They might cheat on you. They might leave you (hence the “ex” part). They might ev...

How to Stop Worrying about the People You Love

I am a worrier. Although I’m far less anxious than I used to be, I still sometimes get caught up in a worry loop. When I do, it’s usually because I’m worried about the people I love. Like now, I’m worried about my sister. A recent retreat she attended peeled the scab ...

Stop Telling People Everything, Silent

If you have a habit of speaking without thinking, you’ll one day reveal sensitive information to someone who shouldn’t hear it. Imagine if James Bond didn’t have the power to conceal his intentions. He’d have been annihilated by Blofeld in minutes. If you never want ...

Stop the Ride — We Need To Get Off

Recently, somebody sent me a meme depicting baby Yoda in a thoughtful pose along with the words “I bet aliens ride past Earth and lock their doors.” To be honest, I wouldn’t blame them if they did. One look at the headlines in a selection of major metropolitan newspapers on any ...

Only You Can Stop a Democracy Fire. Stand Up and Run. Stand Out and Win.

Even though I don’t know the answers to those questions, it looks like we’ll be time-traveling back to 2020 with a Biden/Trump rematch. And I have to say, I don’t know anyone who wants to go back to 2020, except perhaps a select group of “tourists” who went &l...

Stop “politicizing” mass shootings.

These sentiments, once again, echoed from staunch proponents of gun rights today, and I expected no less. What I yearn for, in all honesty, is the chance for normal grieving. The option to give each of those beautiful souls the personal attention they deserve. I wish I could delve into the minuti...

Stop Telling People Everything

Most people today can’t shut up. It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about, they’ll let you know about it. A recent promotion. A hot date. Or even the weather. Whatever it is, people will always tell others too much. This may seem fine on the surface, but...

Let’s Stop Apologizing for Our Skinny Jeans

I try not to get sucked into clickbait articles, but sometimes they get to all of us. As a woman sliding down the slippery slope of late middle age, I find that many articles about “what not to wear” pop up on my social media feeds, probably because I keep clicking on them. And pre...