How to Stop Worrying about the People You Love

<p><strong>I am a worrier.</strong>&nbsp;Although I&rsquo;m far less anxious than I used to be, I still sometimes get caught up in a worry loop. When I do, it&rsquo;s usually because I&rsquo;m worried about the people I love.</p> <p>Like now, I&rsquo;m worried about my sister. A recent retreat she attended peeled the scab off of some old emotional wounds and she&rsquo;s struggling to make sense of it all. I&rsquo;m worried about the vulnerable place she&rsquo;s in and how to help. Other days my son is the focus of my worry &hellip;or my Mom.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: stop Worrying