Tag: Stone

The “Stepping Stone” Approach to Getting Longevity Drugs to Market

The silver tsunami is coming. By 2050, the number of people in the world over the age 60 will double, making up a fifth of the world’s population. Two-thirds of them will live in low-income and middle-income countries but health systems and economies worldwide will feel the strain. Older...

Lions Carved of Stone

You must visit me one day on the edge of the universe, where I once was stranded in the metro, lost in a Rubik’s cube, in a honeycombed abscess of a crimson dawn, restricted parking and poetry. In summer, we can dip our nimble toes into the water warm and gyrate in the amber sand. Or whe...

Stuck in stone, as stuck on our phones

Yesterday, I visited the Modern Contemporary Museum in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, to see Banksy. What a surprise of all the other arts we encountered! You can find all the current exhibitions on the Moco website. One of the pieces of art that caught my attention was the New Race, 20...

Fall Thoughts

I guess you could now say it is written in stone. I am going back, and this time, I am doing so for far longer than ever before. It is quite nervewracking, to realize that in a little over a month’s time I will be boarding that plane, and returning to a place I have thought so much about ov...


The food and drinks we consume leave residues on the teeth. These residues, called dental plaque, which are primarily soft in consistency, contain many bacteria. While it has a soft consistency, it can be cleaned by individuals with an effective oral care. If it is not removed, the minerals in the s...

Joe’s Stone Crab: A Culinary Legacy on Miami Beach

Located in the heart of Miami Beach, Joe’s Stone Crab has become an iconic landmark and a symbol of culinary excellence. This legendary restaurant has delighted locals and visitors alike with its delectable stone crab claws and rich history for over a century. Beyond its mouthwatering cuisine,...

It’s Amazing What a Simple Stone Can Tell Us

Once upon a time, nestled within the heart of an ancient forest, there lay a simple stone, unassuming and weathered by the passage of countless seasons. This unpretentious rock, seemingly inconspicuous, held within its silent core a tale that transcended time itself. As the sun dipped below the h...

Liberal Arts Blog — Geology (Part II): Monoliths of the USA (El Capitan, Devil’s Tower, Stone Mountain)

Last time, Sugarloaf Mountain and Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro and Giulin in China. Today, three striking monoliths in the USA. Have you been to any one of the three? Have you climbed one? Do you have strong feelings on the removal of the carving of Confederate leaders Davis, Lee, and Jackson from St...

The “Stepping Stone” Approach to Getting Longevity Drugs to Market

The silver tsunami is coming. By 2050, the number of people in the world over the age 60 will double, making up a fifth of the world’s population. Two-thirds of them will live in low-income and middle-income countries but health systems and economies worldwide will feel the strain. Older...