Lions Carved of Stone

<p>You must visit me one day on the edge of the universe, where I once was stranded in the metro, lost in a Rubik&rsquo;s cube, in a honeycombed abscess of a crimson dawn, restricted parking and poetry.</p> <p>In summer, we can dip our nimble toes into the water warm and gyrate in the amber sand.</p> <p>Or when the chill arrives, we can plow through the snow and find the place where words go to play or die. I would certainly detest being a chapter just sitting idly by on a dusty shelf, unattended, unhandled, unloved.</p> <p>Outside this place where volumes of scripted words abide, you will find a pair of lions made from marble, carved of stone. Their names &mdash; Patience and Fortitude &mdash; protract their beauty to behold.</p> <p>They bring one inspiration to either sit outside or dare to enter their literary, hallowed halls. Trust me, it is here that the magic of words reside and enthrall.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Carved Stone