Fall Thoughts

<p>I guess you could now say it is written in stone.</p> <p>I am going back, and this time, I am doing so for far longer than ever before. It is quite nervewracking, to realize that in a little over a month&rsquo;s time I will be boarding that plane, and returning to a place I have thought so much about over these years. A quick glimpse out that plane window, and through the descending clouds, will show the endless fields of green. Tight streets lined with cloned houses and red brick dividers. Old, shoddy wooden mantles and faded seat cushions in the back of decrypt pubs. Boiling mugs of black tea and sliced lemon. Thrashing seas and a distant, confusing sense of home. Eight months ago, I would have never believed I would not be returning to university in the fall.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ethancquilty/fall-thoughts-6a2013b5278d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stone Written