Tag: Stillness

Finding Strength in Stillness

In our daily lives, it’s too easy for our minds to wander. We find ourselves drifting from the anxieties of an uncertain future to the regrets of a past we can’t change. In this mental turbulence, we often forget the importance of the present moment. It’s a moment where we don&rsqu...

The Power of Stillness in a Noisy World

We live in a busy, noisy world. There is a constant push to go, to do, to do more. Our minds even have a constant stream of chatter. Michael Singer refers to it as the roommate in our minds. If I allow the external and internal noise to rule the roost, I soon find myself feeling very unsettled. I...

Finding Stillness in NYC

I am a city girl, born and raised uptown in Manhattan (Harlem). When you grow up in an urban environment, here are some of the sounds in the city you may hear: Wake up to roars of the ambulance whizzing by your window The loud sirens and flashing lights of a police cruiser The exhaust re...

Aboriginal Australian Principle of “Dadirri”: Inner Deep Listening and Quiet Stillness

Iclearly remember, when I was a teenager, that among my peers there was an unwritten rule that loomed over our heads like a curse. You needed to have the answer ready to be worth listening to. As soon as the conversation started, I had to immediately express my opinion before someone else took...