The Power of Stillness in a Noisy World

<p>We live in a busy, noisy world. There is a constant push to go, to do, to do more. Our minds even have a constant stream of chatter. Michael Singer refers to it as the roommate in our minds. If I allow the external and internal noise to rule the roost, I soon find myself feeling very unsettled.</p> <p>I love watching my cats and how they deal with their world. A big part of their life is sitting in quiet and sleeping. Yes, I know, they get their creature comforts taken care of when they have humans. They are a reminder though. A reminder that even as busy as we are, we need to take time out.</p> <p>Time to calm the mind, nudge the roommate into another space and let the mind ruminate. Introspection takes us back into our memories. They can be memory from five minutes ago or five years ago. With the mind quiet and observing those memories there&rsquo;s opportunity to gain self-awareness and insight from them.</p> <p>I might recognize behaviours or attitudes my subconscious has been driving and I&rsquo;ve been responding to. Maybe it&rsquo;s something I like about myself, or something I&rsquo;d rather change. Awareness doesn&rsquo;t come from a busy mind. Quiet and awareness builds connection and calm.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>