Tag: Stereotypes

How Gender Stereotypes Slowed Down Society’s Progress (and Still Do)

We tend to think of those fume-producing, four-wheeled machines known today as cars as extensions of men. It’s a little-known fact, though, that the very first long-distance car ride in August 1888 was undertaken by a woman: Bertha Benz, wife of German engineer Karl Benz who&...

How Gender Stereotypes Slowed Down Society’s Progress (and Still Do)

We tend to think of those fume-producing, four-wheeled machines known today as cars as extensions of men. It’s a little-known fact, though, that the very first long-distance car ride in August 1888 was undertaken by a woman: Bertha Benz, wife of German engineer Karl Benz who&...

Racial Stereotypes in Films

One of the best things during COVID-19 was learning to prepare delicious meals and exchange recipes with friends, making mouth-watering cocktails, some I had never heard of before, and lastly, watching great films, new and old ones. If you do something enough times it becomes a habit. One of the thi...

5 Stereotypes White America Uses to Rule the World

America is home to 4.23% of the world’s population and yet it nearly a fourth of the world’s GDP. GDP can be confusing to some, so let us look at an easier-to-comprehend number. According to the UBS and Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2023, American househo...

14 Asian Stereotypes Today’s Generation is Shattering

As a self-proclaimed spokesperson of today’s generation, I’ve done a fair amount of wading through the murky waters of stereotypes. And trust me, it’s an ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffet of generalizations out there, and it’s not the good kind like your local sushi bar on...

5 Stereotypes White America Uses to Rule the World

America is home to 4.23% of the world’s population and yet it nearly a fourth of the world’s GDP. GDP can be confusing to some, so let us look at an easier-to-comprehend number. According to the UBS and Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2023, American househo...

White People — Let’s Teach Our Children There Are Stereotypes About Us Too

The other day I was standing at Starbucks, waiting for my drink. The barista put two drinks up at once and I stepped forward at the same time as another customer, an older White man. We did the “maintain six feet distant dance.” I said, “It’s dangerous to get between a White ...

Recognizing Racist Stereotypes in U.S. Media

I believe it’s important to know how to recognize these stereotypes, principally in order to understand controversies abroad, and to have the ability to criticize the Americanized media we consume in our everyday lives. So  Francisco Izzo  (my consultant on the English langu...

Removing Stereotypes, or Erasing Peoples?

I’m not sure exactly what triggered this, although I think it was Kaden N. Thaxton’s travelogue of Mosi-oa-Tunya and something semi-humorous I read decades ago about countries’ historical land ownership in the Middle East (I believe it was in Dave Berg’s (of&nb...

Some Negative Age Stereotypes — Wherein I Bust Some Myths

I want to loosen up and have some fun tonight. Fighting ageism doesn’t need to be grim — that’s bad for my health. After all, I’m not Super-Anti-Ageism Man. I’m just an older man with an ageism problem. So, let’s deal with it. I’ve got Hot Chip ...

A Reflection on Body Image Stereotypes

Big, beautiful eyes, a pixie haircut, 5’6” tall and stick thin — at the age of 16 Leslie Lawson turned into the world's most famous model of the times and earned her professional name of Twiggy. Prior to this time, the ideal woman was a size 12. However, their waist size was...