Tag: Stars

Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars

When a plumber arrived today to solve a gutter problem in my backyard, he looked at me and said: “I saw you in the news. Your job is to look at the stars!” This reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s insight: “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ...

Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars

When a plumber arrived today to solve a gutter problem in my backyard, he looked at me and said: “I saw you in the news. Your job is to look at the stars!” This reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s insight: “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ...

Sea of Stars exceeds expectations

One of the few flaws I’m willing to admit about myself is my reluctance to indulge in indie games. Throughout my life as a gamer, I have had few run-ins with games made by small and independent developers. Games like The Binding of Isaac, Fez and Stardew Valley were so...

Abu Dhabi’s Best Spots According to Instagram Stars

Abu Dhabi is a city that boasts of a unique mix of modernity and tradition, making it an ideal destination for tourists and locals alike. With its stunning architecture, luxurious resorts, and pristine beaches, the city is a magnet for social media influencers who flock to the city to capture its be...

The Super Stars of SuperReturn — Key Take aways from Berlin

Last week in Berlin, over 5,000 LPs and GPs flocked to SuperReturn to meet their industry peers, learn from one another and, most importantly, do deals which will impact their portfolios over the next three to ten years. It was an electric atmosphere, including a presentation from Kim Kardashian, an...

City of spires or city of stars?

The city of Copenhagen has its fair share of historic architecture. Works like Sankt Petri Church, Rosenborg Castle, and Fredensborg Palace remind viewers that they are, in fact, in Europe. We can see that the city has been around for thousands of years, long enough to absorb many different urb...

Navigating the Financial Stars: Top 5 Bullish Transit Aspects for Trading and Crypto

In the world of finance and cryptocurrency, where uncertainty often reigns, some traders turn to the stars for guidance. Astrology, a field as ancient as civilization itself, offers unique insights into market trends and investment decisions. By considering the ‘birth’ of a stock or cryp...

Navigating the Financial Stars: Top 5 Bullish Transit Aspects for Trading and Crypto

In the world of finance and cryptocurrency, where uncertainty often reigns, some traders turn to the stars for guidance. Astrology, a field as ancient as civilization itself, offers unique insights into market trends and investment decisions. By considering the ‘birth’ of a stock or cryp...

The Temple of White Supremacy

I think back on the many Evangelical stars who’ve come from DTS—from Charles Swindoll to Charles Ryrie, from J. Dwight Pentecost to Hal Lindsey, or J. Vernon McGee. They’d attended a white supremacist school and said nothing about it. In 1973, Dallas Theological Seminary...

Can I Still Wish On Shooting Stars?

You only know what you know, or the abbreviated “iykyk” if you are hanging out with an 11 year old and her mother. That brings into mind-focus my remembering those awkward moments when you realize there’s a whole conversation you just can’t follow. It’s like you walked ...

Unprecedented Observation: Webb Telescope Detects Exoplanet Duo Orbiting Dead Stars

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) excels at peering into the past by leveraging its advanced technology and capabilities. Equipped with instruments optimized for infrared observations, JWST can detect light from objects billions of light-years away, effectively capturing images of the universe a...

What was it like when the very first stars died?

The cosmic story that gave rise to us is a story rife with creation and destruction. At the start of the hot Big Bang, energetic particles, antiparticles, and quanta of radiation were created. Fractions-of-a-second later, most of the particle-antiparticle pairs had annihilated away. Protons and neut...

ST/ Astronomers spot 18 black holes gobbling up nearby stars

The global smart space market size is projected to grow from USD 9.4 billion in 2020 to USD 15.3 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.2% during the forecast period. The increasing venture capital funding and growing investments in smart space technology to drive market grow...

What was it like when no stars yet existed?

When it comes to our cosmic history, it’s incredible to realize how impactful the earliest moments were in creating the conditions that would allow for our very existence many billions of years later. The earliest stages we can say anything meaningful about actually occurred even prior to the ...

Building a Twinkling Stars Simulation with Python

The Technology: Python and Pygame Python, with its simplicity and readability, is the perfect language for this project. Coupled with Pygame, a set of Python modules designed for writing video games, it provides a robust framework for graphics and simulation tasks. Pygame offers the tools ne...

Stars alone can’t explain black holes, JWST data reveals

Today, even the most massive of the known black holes represent only about 0.1% of the stellar mass of the galaxy: just one-thousandth of the amount of mass found by summing up all the stars in the galactic environment surrounding it. For a long time, astronomers have wondered just how these superma...

Galactic Star Map of The Kepler Systems

Ever since seeing the star maps in Apple’s Foundation I’ve wanted to create my own Galactic Star Map of the star systems mapped by NASA’s Kepler / K2 Telescope. The Kepler mission has provided an unprecedented dataset for identifying exoplanets in our galaxy downloaded from Kaggle ...

ST/ Astronomers spot 18 black holes gobbling up nearby stars

Astronomers have detected previous tidal disruption events by looking for characteristic bursts in the optical and X-ray bands. To date, these searches have revealed about a dozen star-shredding events in the nearby universe. The MIT team’s new TDEs more than double the catalog of known TDEs i...

What was it like when the first “polluted” stars formed?

When you look out at the Universe today, and see the vast, dark, backdrop littered with points of light that correspond to stars and galaxies, it’s difficult to imagine that it used to be almost identical everywhere. The Universe, back at its inception, was almost perfectly uniform on all cosm...

What was it like when the very first stars died?

The cosmic story that gave rise to us is a story rife with creation and destruction. At the start of the hot Big Bang, energetic particles, antiparticles, and quanta of radiation were created. Fractions-of-a-second later, most of the particle-antiparticle pairs had annihilated away. Protons and neut...

Have we overestimated the number of stars in the Universe?

No matter where we look in space, in any direction, we see that the Universe is filled with stars and galaxies absolutely everywhere. As far as stars go, on a clear, dark night, the naked human eye can see about 6000 of them, but that’s just a tiny fraction of all that’s out there. Our M...

Have any stars visible to human eyes already died?

When we look out across the Universe, we’re also peering back in time. In the early 21st-century, we’ve successfully mapped out practically all the stars in our neighborhood in three-dimensional space. The closest stars to us don’t always align with the stars we can see, as ...

The White Dwarf, the Neutron Star & the Black Hole

It is well known that string theory tries to unify quantum mechanics and gravity. The significance lies in the fact that black holes are both extremely small (QM deals with sub-atomic particles) And extremely massive (gravity). We need a combination of both the theories to explain their phenomenon. ...

Intro to Nebulae and Stars

Classification System of the 19th Century In the 19th century, astronomers grouped celestial objects into four primary categories: Fixed Stars (Stellae Fixae) Fixed stars, as the name implies, appeared as point-like light sources in the night sky. These were celestial objects that did not d...

How Many Stars Are Really Visible?

Tucked into a sleeping bag under the stars in the mountains of Northern California as a kid, I marveled at the Milky Way, a magical yet real cosmic river of fuzzy brightness punctuated by points of light both faint and bright. I’d count the sparkling gems in a patch of sky through towering pin...

What was it like when the first “polluted” stars formed?

When you look out at the Universe today, and see the vast, dark, backdrop littered with points of light that correspond to stars and galaxies, it’s difficult to imagine that it used to be almost identical everywhere. The Universe, back at its inception, was almost perfectly uniform on all cosm...

What was it like when the very first stars died?

The cosmic story that gave rise to us is a story rife with creation and destruction. At the start of the hot Big Bang, energetic particles, antiparticles, and quanta of radiation were created. Fractions-of-a-second later, most of the particle-antiparticle pairs had annihilated away. Protons and neut...

The second edition of the “Veneto Stars” challenge promoted by Veneto Region — Veneto Digital Agenda

The purpose is to establish in Veneto Region a permanent open innovation lab dedicated to young Europeans innovators by giving them the opportunity to submit ideas based on the use of spatial data or Space-derived Technologies. The edition 2023 topic was Agrifood sector, while 2024 will be focu...

Beyond the Icons: Exploring the Rising Stars of Sneaker Design

Theotis Beasley: One rising star in sneaker design is Theotis Beasley, a professional skateboarder turned designer. Beasley’s deep understanding of skate culture and passion for footwear led him to collaborate with renowned brands, infusing his designs with a vibrant mix of street style and f...