The White Dwarf, the Neutron Star & the Black Hole

<p>It is well known that string theory tries to unify quantum mechanics and gravity. The significance lies in the fact that black holes are both extremely small (QM deals with sub-atomic particles) And extremely massive (gravity). We need a combination of both the theories to explain their phenomenon.<br /> <strong>How are stars formed?</strong><br /> A star is formed when a large amount of gas mostly hydrogen starts collapsing in on itself due to gravitational attraction. Collision between atoms take place more and more frequently with greater velocity which makes the gas hot which in turn leads to nuclear reactions where in hydrogen atoms combine to produce helium. The heat and pressure produced by such reactions acting outward is what sustains a star from collapsing in on itself due to force of gravity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: neutron Stars