Tag: speaking

Govar — a free online English speaking club

Hello, everyone. My name is Denis, and I am the CEO, the founder, and the source of the idea behind the Govar app. I want to share information about our project, its origin, and the path we have taken. Govar is an app for improving English conversation skills. You can find conversation partners f...

How Talk Like TED Transformed My Public Speaking

Talking in front of a crowd, my hands would sweat, my heart pounding like a drum, my voice shaking, and my body trembling. I used to be the person who would rather dive into the deepest sea than make a public presentation. However, my journey to overcoming my public speaking fears took a turnin...

Speaking English so non-native colleagues understand

Collaborating with colleagues around the world is a rich and rewarding experience. Exposure to new cultures and ideas stimulates new ways of thinking and understanding the world around you. Diverse, global teams help you build a more inclusive product. Remote working has increased the likeli...

An introvert’s guide to speaking up in meetings

Facilitating meetings has been a major component of my career. As a consultant, I have hosted multi-day product strategy workshops at various client sites. As a UX Strategist, I have facilitated design-thinking workshops, meetings, and requirements gathering sessions. And in my current role as Senio...

Top 20 Free online english speaking courses

online english speaking courses English is the most broadly spoken language on the planet (According to Statista). More than one billion individuals communicate in English all throughout the planet as their local or second language. This makes English a solid language that associates individ...

Txai Surui ‘The Earth is Speaking’

A powerful speech by a young Amazonian activist at the opening of the United Nations Glasgow COP26 climate summit Txai Surui delivered her speech at COP26 in Glasgow. Source: Twitter/@wwfbrasil Txai Suruí midianinja — YouTube Txai Surui (Chi Su-ree) is a 24-year-old activis...

Speaking of care

eminist economics have analysed the role of women as economic agents inside and outside the household, as a paid workforce in the productive sector and as an unpaid workforce in the reproductive sector, carrying out care activities. This gives rise to the care economy, which provides a more detailed...

Speaking Of Siva: Touching The Feet Of God

Speaking Of Siva is not a book that I intended to read. I was looking for Thich Nhat Hanh’s Cry of Vietnam in the library, and while scanning the shelves, I came across this little-known book of Hindu poetry. I must confess that I don’t know a whole lot about Hinduism. The...

Public Speaking

Do you ever get nervous before giving a speech? Or doing a presentation? Allah sent Prophet Moses on a mission to Pharaoh, to convey the message of Islam. Pharaoh was the worst of mankind, he was a tyrant, a murderer, and merciless. How nervous would you be in front of such a man? Delivering a me...

The Amazing Rise of the AI Influencer — Are Bots Speaking to Bots Now?

Are you ready for the fake influencers, journalists and conference speakers? And for the friendly, verbose AI commenters? We recently learned that the organizer of a tech conference used fake profiles of women speakers and posed on Instagram as coding_unicorn, a female tech influencer. ...

Speaking English so non-native colleagues understand

Collaborating with colleagues around the world is a rich and rewarding experience. Exposure to new cultures and ideas stimulates new ways of thinking and understanding the world around you. Diverse, global teams help you build a more inclusive product. Remote working has increased the likeli...

Myths about speaking English

 I should communicate like a native speaker, in order to be understood. There are almost three times more “non-native” English speakers in the world than “native” ones (Ethnologue, 2023), so you’re much more likely to come into contact with someone who speaks En...

37 Tips on How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

Learning English is like building a house. You start by constructing a sturdy foundation before anything else. English language learners begin by knowing the building blocks of the target language to develop a strong English speaking skills foundation and communicate like native speakers. There a...

Meet Your New IELTS Speaking Companion: AI-Powered Chat Bot for Realistic Exam Experience

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a gateway to countless opportunities in education and career. The Speaking part is usually the final boss of the IELTS preparation game: Speaking demands free command of vocabulary and advanced grammar, as well as the ability to generate e...

Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Speaking Skills

1. Learn whole phrases This is useful for improving fluency. If you know ready-made expressions, you will not waste time choosing words and will be able to fill in awkward pauses in a conversation. 2. Use a paraphrase It happens that words can be easily forgotten. Nothing is wrong with...

IRCC held a new Express Entry draw for French Speaking candidates

On October 25, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held a new Express Entry draw for French language proficiency candidates. In round #270, IRCC issued 300 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to francophone candidates. The cut-off score of this draw was 486 points, 14 points more tha...

I am Indian but I don’t speak Hindi!

India is a Union of States as described in Article 1 on Indian Constitution . India is a union of 29 states . Of the 29 states only 9 states list Hindi as their official language. Even among these 9 states it is not entirely true that Hindi is prevalent spoken. For instance Bihar, Hindi and Urdu are...

Speaking without intention: Austin’s Speech Act Theory in the Age of AI

Conversational AI is, nowadays, widely spread and investigated, shaping the way we interact with technology. Despite its extensive use, it is not clear if the technology we are experiencing at this time is actually able to communicate from a linguistic perspective. In this sense, it is important to ...

Why so many Ukrainians are speaking Ukrainian again

Patrick Cox: I don’t know about you, but for me, the very first words of Ukrainian I heard were these. A cappella version of “Oi u luzi chervona kalyna” (“Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow”) Patrick Cox: It was a video posted on YouTube in lat...

8 Steps to Build a GPT for Interpersonal Speaking in World Languages

In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) with language learning offers unprecedented opportunities for educators and learners alike. Below, I outline a beginner’s guide to developing a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) specif...