Tag: Space

How to fix a HAL 9000

Way before Siri could tell a joke or Alexa could play our favourite tune, HAL 9000 from ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ was serving us a masterclass in computers getting… well, a tad too emotional. “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that,” it said, makin...

The Simple Space Weapon With The Potential To Destroy Planets

When people imagine futuristic space weapons, their minds tend to run wild. Thinkers, dreamers, and writers have come up with everything from stellar manipulation devices that cause massive solar flares to simple laser weapons to blow satellites out of the sky. Currently, there are no known space we...


people testifying under oath that aliens do exist, non-human bodies shown in Mexico, mummified, displayed in window boxes, striking conspiracy in our hearts ho ho ho — these UFOs! what do we make of all this stuff? not of our terrestrial evolution? wish Mr. Darwin was here to take a clo...

Stellar Conundrums: Space as a Metaphor for Emotional Distance

Ah, space! The boundless cosmos — a kaleidoscopic dance of stars, galaxies, and swirling mysteries. A realm so overwhelming, it might just have you contemplating the incomprehensible vastness of your own emotional universe. Dear reader, let’s embark on an epic quest, fueled by audacity a...

Time, Space, Material

One of the most challenging aspects of life is being able to give appropriate attention to our goals. Trying to balance our obligations with desires is a delicate act — one many of us feel we lose regularly. We want to work a lot and make enough money to retire early, but we also want exper...

Have Nothing to Prove and Nothing to Gain, and in That Space, You’re Free

There’s a nook in the universe where there’s no weight on your shoulders. It’s accessible to you. We’ve experienced moments where we felt free. Too often, we think that that feeling is not accessible except under certain circumstances. “The most beautiful thi...

Digital spaces. Space optimization.

Computer, phone, browser, mail, messenger and other services are also your work or personal portable places in the digital environment. You can turn these tools into time wasters, or you can make them assistants and optimizers. My gadgets have experienced all the knowledge of time management with me...

Meeting Rooms in Bangalore — Coworking Space Whitefield

When organizing a professional meeting, choosing the right venue is crucial. Several factors should be considered to ensure a successful event. First and foremost, the venue should align with the event’s objectives and the organization’s image. Additionally, budget considerations play a ...

5 best nude fine art for your space

Hello there, fellow art lovers and interior design enthusiasts! Today, we’re taking a delightful stroll into the world of nude fine art and how it can jazz up your living spaces. Artists have been inspired by the beauty of the human form for ages, and we’re here to show you how...

Design lessons from Space Invaders

I remember the first time I saw Space Invaders. It was 1978, and my friend and I cycled over to a local mall, where it sat moodily aglow in the back of the dank arcade. We craned our necks over the crowd of teens gathered around. It was spellbinding. I’d played a lot of arcade games...

The Essential Games: Dead Space (2008)

In a few days, Dead Space is coming back. As a big fan of the original trilogy, I honestly have mixed feelings about it. If EA was going to remake any of the original games, the first one is probably the one to pick — but it also holds up so well in a modern context that I ...

Virtual Space v Racist Space

Iam sorry but I knew — past tense — very little about the reason behind the Juneteenth celebrations for 3 days in America. It has increasingly been recognized officially by state governments in recent years, and President Biden signed a bill in 2021 establishing Juneteenth National ...

Demystifying Containers - Part I: Kernel Space

This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective. Together we will discover modern cloud architectures layer by layer, which means we will start at the Linux Kernel level and end up at writing our own secure cloud n...

Making space: where to donate baby and kids items in Chicago

As a mom of two, I feel like I’m always doing the “kids stuff shuffle:” packing up clothes and toys they’ve outgrown and pulling out the hand-me-downs they have finally grown into. But what to do with all the baby and children’s clothes, shoes, toys, gear and art suppli...

The Arrogance of Space

We have a tendency to give cities human character traits when we describe them. It’s a friendly city. A dynamic city. A boring city. Perhaps then a city can be arrogant. Arrogant, for example, with it’s distribution of space. In my work as an urban design...

Bond Street station advertising shows scope of public space commodification

Commuters in London were left confused last week when Bond Street station was changed to ‘Burberry Street’ in collaboration with the fashion house of the same name. Complaints were sent to TfL by travellers who were befuddled during their journeys. Anonymous staff members said that cu...

The State Of Public Space In America Is Disgracefully Abysmal

The other day — as I do most mornings — I was sitting outside a cafe on my neighborhood’s main commercial street. As Los Angeles goes, it’s about as good as it gets. I make the best of it enough to thoroughly enjoy it. As I lingered, an increasing number of people lurked o...

Enhance Your Living Space with a Stylish and Functional Home Lift

Looking to infuse your home with a touch of elegance and convenience? Your search ends here with Southern Lifts, Melbourne. Our exceptional collection of stylish and functional home lifts offers the perfect solution to elevate both your home decor and your daily life. Impeccably crafted, our...

How We Created a Safe Space at Home for Our Autistic Daughter

Imagine a city, a patchwork of vibrant neighborhoods, each a sanctuary humming with life. Picture sun-kissed beaches, bustling downtown streets, and corners whispering stories of cultures and experiences. This city offers a symphony of sanctuaries. In this symphony, our family finds its rhythm. W...

The Arrogance of Space

We have a tendency to give cities human character traits when we describe them. It’s a friendly city. A dynamic city. A boring city. Perhaps then a city can be arrogant. Arrogant, for example, with it’s distribution of space. In my work as an urban design...

7 Tips for Setting up a Creative Space

So we’re deep into lockdown now. I actually can’t remember when the lockdown started. Is it 1 month, 2 months now? Chances are by now you have probably picked up a hobby. If you have then you probably should consider the following tips to make the most of your creativity! Find the...

Racist Space Aliens Are Here — and they don’t give a fuck

There’s only one conclusion and it’s not what you’ve been told. Don’t continue to read if you’re easily offended or if you’re a christian who believes that humyns are alone in the universe. I’m about to lay down some truth that will rewire how your brain thi...

Black People Have Always Been UX Designers : Space-making is an iterative design process

When I learned about UX design, I fell in love immediately. The idea of being able to enhance the experience of users resonated with me in ways I did not fully understand. As I became more immersed into the field, I realized why it felt so much like home. Black people work to enhance the experiences...

On being a woman who takes up space

In the midst of a conversation with a good friend a few weeks ago, I caught myself saying a strange thing. I don’t remember the exact topic of discussion, but I do recall that it had something to do with sexism in the tech industry and the ways that people tend to underestimate women. At on...

2023: A Year of Self Exploration Rather than Space Exploration

We didn’t get a white Christmas here in Ottawa, where I’ve been camped out for the last two months as I plan my next destination. But this morning, the end of the year, it is -5°C, and a gentle ephemeral snow is sinking down as I walk to a nearby oatmeal café. A week ago, I sc...

Holding Space for the Gender Journey

Journeys are rarely linear. We all know this familiar literary trope. When my kid, who I’ll call “A,” was in elementary school, the exploration of gender identity and pronouns began. This is not a new story line for most parents these days. Many of my friends were or are still n...

Creating a Sacred Space: Simple Techniques to Cleanse and Enhance the Energy in Your Home

Our outside reflects our inside. And Visa versa. It’s hard to feel fresh, alive and vibrant when the energy in our homes is toxic, suffocating and stale. Our homes are an extension of us and our energy so it’s important to routinely clean and refresh the energy of our spaces. It&rs...

Black Cultural Centers and The Racing of Space

Black education (secondary and post-secondary) in the United States developed in the crucible of anti-Black oppression (political disenfranchisement, social degradation, economic exploitation) rooted in the othering of African Americans as a subhuman species lacking the human qualities necessary for...

Searching for Space Trash

On February 8, 2024 at 23:48:00 local time, the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera at the Maunakea Observatory in Hawaii, owned by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, recorded a video of a meteor fireball blazing across the night sky. The object that burned in the Earth’s...

The Benefits of Aging on Earth Versus Space

According to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity — time progresses differently for a moving clock, and according to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity — time advances more slowly for a clock embedded in a gravitational potential. The rate by which we age bi...

Space Trash on Our Way to the Stars

Humanity is trashing the space near Earth. Here are some numbers. In October 1957, Sputnik-1 was launched as the first artificial satellite of Earth. By now, sixty six years later, the European Space Agency reports that there were 6,500 successful rocket launches of ...

New Space Telescope Releases Its First Images

One of Euclid’s main mission objectives is to create a 3D map of the Universe, with time being the third dimension. When we look at distant objects in space, we are not just looking far away, but back in time. This is because despite seeming to appear instantaneously, even light has a limit to...

The Evolution of Space Technology: New Frontiers

In the grand theater of human endeavor, few stages are as vast or compelling as the limitless expanse of outer space. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, space technology has undergone a rapid evolution, accelerating at unprecedented speeds to bring us to the frontier of Sci-Fi turning reality. Th...

13 Questions About Black Holes That No One Has Answered

A Black Hole is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravity that nothing — not even light can escape it. It contains a huge mass in an infinitesimal space, where gravity and density become infinite, space-time curves infinitely, and laws of physics no longer hold. Black Hole is no...

Ask Ethan: What could an array of space telescopes find?

Out there in the deep, dark recesses of space are mysteries just waiting to be discovered. While the advances we’ve made in telescopes, optics, instrumentation, and photon efficiency have brought us unprecedented views of what’s out there, arguably our largest advances have come from goi...

Python in Space: A Beginner’s Guide to Decoding Planetary Orbits

Orbital mechanics is like figuring out how planets and moons play tag in space. Imagine you’re on a merry-go-round (a revolving machine with model horses or other animals on which people ride for amusement); when it spins, you feel like you’re being pushed outwards, right? But at the sam...

Why I Think Space is Infinite

My fascination with space began with those childhood stargazing sessions. The more I learned, the more I realized that space is not just vast; it’s an endless canvas painted with the mysteries of the unknown. The cosmos doesn’t just stretch far beyond our solar system; it expands into wh...

Cows in Space!??

Calcium is found in milk, but transporting six months’ worth of milk bottles to space is impractical. So, we need to think more creatively and pose questions that technicians and scientists at the space station haven’t considered before. Regarding milk, the question becomes: Why can&rsqu...

Physicist Claims Sagrada Familia Is a Portal to Interstellar Space

The mathematical physicist Eric Weinstein was scheduled to speak. He’s famous for, among other things, positing a new “theory of everything” with the goal of turning mainstream physics on its head, the way Einstein once did to Newtonian physics. That will be important to know once ...

Why Is Einstein / Minkowski Space Bending Not Real?

Time slowing down near massive objects was verified accurately near the Earth: second (time unit) is about nanosecond dilated (longer) near the Earth than away from the Earth. Even in GPS satellites that use atomic clocks for geolocation, such clocks are almost half a nanosecond per second fast...

New Space Telescope Releases Its First Images

Named after the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, who is considered the “father of geometry,” Euclid was given this name because “the density of matter and energy is linked to the geometry of the universe” according to the European Space Agency. ESA’s Eucli...

Nukes in Space: Should You Be Losing Sleep Over Them?

If we are talking about a nuclear power source, then no. There are nuclear power sources in space on scientific probes right now and have been for decades. These are in the flavor of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs), also known as “nuclear batteries.” RTGs are relatively har...

How far away are the stars?

Out there in space, blazing just a scant 150 million kilometers away lies the brightest and most massive object in our Solar System: the Sun. Shining hundreds of thousands of times as bright in Earth’s skies as the next brightest object, the full Moon, the Sun is unique among Solar System obje...

USA Owns “Space Ships” And Human Colonies On Mars

In the last interview with UFO Channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally said everything he found: “I’ve been working on this for months and months. I kept thinking that eventually, I would still open this door.” McKinnon says he used Landsearch, which allowed him to search all the ...

Ask Ethan: Is alien space travel limited by the speed of light?

When we speak about the distance to cosmic objects — the distant stars, galaxies, quasars and more — we usually measure them in light-years. This is because of the understanding that any form of matter, regardless of what you do to it or how much kinetic energy you add to it, can only ap...

Searching for Space Trash

Not all human-made space trash is eliminated so quickly. For example, Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster which was launched to space as a dummy payload on the Falcon Heavy test flight in 2018, will continue on an elliptic orbit around the Sun for tens of millions of years. Computer simu...

7 Stellar Benefits of the International Space Station (ISS)

1. Scientific Marvel The ISS is the ultimate cosmic laboratory. Scientists conduct experiments in microgravity, unlocking secrets about everything from fluid dynamics to the effects of space travel on the human body. It’s like a space-age science fair up there! 2. Astronaut Training...

The Future of Space Tourism

Companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, or Virgin Galactic have recently funneled their visionary ideas into ship prototypes, and even accomplished the first few successful tourist flights above our atmosphere’s edge. However, it’s crucial that we widen our eyes not only to the ...

The future of space exploration

Embarking on a cosmic journey, the future of space exploration is a shared human endeavor. No longer confined to solitary space races, nations unite to explore Mars and beyond, forging a destiny among the stars. Mars takes center stage, with engineers crafting sustainable habitats and scientists ...

Why Space Distances Will Forever Baffle Your Mind

Imagine light is made of tiny, super-fast cars. Each color (red, orange, yellow...) is a different model. Astronomers have this fancy tool called a spectroscope that acts like a space traffic cam, snapping pics of these light-cars as they zoom by. Now, here’s the weird part: Stars Going ...

Things To Do In Open Space Without a Suit

Somehow, you find yourself in an open space wearing nothing but a grey hoodie and your cozy, comfy sweatpants. Bummer. Who would’ve thought those spaceship toilet manuals were important after all? You have your phone with you, but as the song goes, who you gonna call? No one. Don’t gi...

How could we build a liveable space habitat?

The idea of human settlers establishing permanent homes in space is a staple of our favourite sci-fi. Over the past century, countless films, books, TV shows, and video games have found creative, often elaborate ways to convey the threats and motivations which would force humanity to leave Earth beh...

Why Is Einstein / Minkowski Space Bending Not Real?

Time slowing down near massive objects was verified accurately near the Earth: second (time unit) is about nanosecond dilated (longer) near the Earth than away from the Earth. Even in GPS satellites that use atomic clocks for geolocation, such clocks are almost half a nanosecond per second fast...

“The Artist & The Astronaut” Illuminates Space and Human History

As a military member, Carr was dedicated to being a “Cold Warrior”; later, as an astronaut, he was dedicated to beating the Soviets in another public arena — spaceflight. While NASA was ultimately successful in beating its Cold War opponents to the Moon, the decade in full left lit...

The Year in Space and Physics

Every week I send my email subscribers a newsletter discussing advances in space and physics. I am sharing this look back at the year’s newsletters with all of you on Medium. If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so for free by clicking here. As has become tradition by now, at t...

How could we build a liveable space habitat?

In the not-too-distant future, humanity will be faced with the challenge of building permanent homes in space. For this to happen, space habitats will need to closely replicate Earth’s gravity, while dealing with the threat of radiation and meteorites from outer space. Through his researc...

Why NASA Is Streaming a Cat Video from Deep Space

First, the who, where, what, and how. Who: Taters the cat, who is owned by a NASA JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) employee. Where: The Psyche spacecraft is currently about 19 million miles from Earth, or roughly 80 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon. What:&nbsp...

On The Way To The International Space Station

As the Earth disappears in a decreasing blue ball in the rear view mirror, two astronauts discover that life is not all beer and skittles for a spaceman, and that serious misgivings are never more than a NASA pre-packed, freeze dried cucumber sandwich away. You’ve just blasted off and you&r...

The Benefits of Aging on Earth Versus Space

According to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity — time progresses differently for a moving clock, and according to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity — time advances more slowly for a clock embedded in a gravitational potential. The rate by which we age bi...

spaceTOP 3 Mind-Blowing Achievements of the Soviet Space Program

Did you know that a forgotten Soviet moon rover made an unexpected comeback after 40 years of silence? Picture this: In 1970, Luna Cod 1, also known as Moonwalker 1, roamed the lunar surface, sending back thousands of images and valuable scientific data. But then, contact was lost, and it seemed lik...

Too Handsome for Space 3 (Fiction)

The Civilian Center was booming. Most of the adult residents of Leonis had collected to observe the meeting of the Citizen’s Council, where it was expected that the Chief Administrator would bring allegations of misconduct against everyone’s favorite safety employee, the Sherif...

What Lies Beyond: Exploring Interstellar Space

The scale of things is hard to grasp. The distance from Earth to the Moon — some four hundred thousand kilometers — is the shortest cosmic scale of any significance, but one that already stretches the imagination. The Apollo astronauts took three days to traverse that distance; a span th...

The Boeing Space Freighter — A Giant Leap for Future Space Exploration

In the 1970s, Boeing proposed an ambitious new reusable spacecraft design called the Space Freighter. With a massive 420 ton cargo capacity, this giant spaceplane could solve many of the challenges of space exploration in future decades. If realized starting in the mid-21st century, this behemoth co...

Here is Why a Close Call With Space Debris is so Dangerous

In the vast expanse of space, where the cosmos unfurls its mysteries and humanity’s reach extends ever farther, a recent incident has brought into sharp focus the perils that lurk in Earth’s orbit. On a seemingly routine day, NASA’s TIMED satellite found itself on a collision cours...

The Space Motel Might Stay Open: NASA Needs an Extra Room

So, NASA's looking into keeping that old International Space Station (ISS) – think of it as a giant, super expensive motel in space – floating around longer than planned. It was supposed to shut down in 2030, but now NASA's all, "Hmm, maybe not." Photo by NASA on...

PYTHON — Splitting Space Rocks With Python

In the current version of the game, when you hit a rock with a bullet, the rock disappears, which is not very realistic. In this lesson, we will modify the Rock constructor to handle the splitting of rocks. We will also introduce different rock sizes. Let’s start by creating a fac...

From Espionage to Space: How the USSR Copied America’s Space Shuttle

As the space race reached its climax in 1969, the Soviet Union, unwilling to concede defeat, embarked on a covert campaign to steal America’s space shuttle design. Utilizing hundreds of spies and clandestine tactics, the USSR obtained classified and public intelligence related to the American ...

Voyaging Beyond Earth: Unveiling the Ascendance of Space Tourism.

In recent times, a novel chapter in travel has commenced — a chapter that transcends earthly confines. Once relegated to the realms of science fiction, space tourism is now emerging as a concrete possibility. This article explores the unfolding narrative of space tourism, tracing its developme...

Exploring the Depths of Space Communication: A Comprehensive Look at the Deep Space Network

Origins and Evolution The genesis of the Deep Space Network dates back to the infancy of space exploration, a time when humanity dared to dream of touching the stars. Conceived by NASA in the late 1950s, the DSN emerged as a vital component of the agency’s ambitious endeavors to e...

Exploring the Final Frontier: The Exciting Rise of Space Mining

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity has long gazed at the stars with wonder and curiosity. While space exploration has traditionally focused on scientific discovery and human expansion, a new frontier is emerging — one that promises to revolutionize our understanding of space and r...

New Space Telescope Releases Its First Images

The European Space Agency’s latest space telescope, orbiting near the James Webb Space Telescope, just released its first full-color images. One image in particular has already been described as a “revolution for astronomy.” Concept art of Euclid in space surrounded by galax...

Space Archaeology: Ancient Alien Mysteries

Space archaeology, a novel branch of archaeology, leverages advanced satellite imagery, telescopes, and space exploration missions. In addition, to scrutinize celestial bodies like Mars, the Moon, and distant exoplanets. These tools help researchers investigate the possibility of past extraterrestri...

Our Universe wasn’t empty, even before the Big Bang

How is this possible? It’s like the Universe itself doesn’t understand our idea of “nothing” at all; if we were to remove all the quanta of energy from our Universe, leaving behind only empty space, we would immediately expect that the Universe would be at absolute zero: with...

How can we get more out of what we put into space for longer?

In-space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) has the potential to change how we develop the space ecosystem. ISAM is a collection of technology that can be used to learn more about Earth orbit, cislunar space, deep space and the surface of celestial bodies. These capabilities are ...

The Cold War Space Graveyard & The Silent Threat From The Stars

On March 23, 2001, at 8:59 a.m. Moscow time, a group of Russian cosmonauts on Southern Fiji’s island gazed up at the sky and waited. And then, there they were: for a few fleeting seconds, a sequence of golden lights streaked across the sky, leaving behind a trail of smoke. ...

PYTHON — Analyzing Time And Space In Python

When it comes to analyzing the performance of an algorithm, we often talk about its time and space complexity. Time complexity refers to how long an algorithm takes to run, while space complexity is the amount of computer memory it needs to work. In computer science, we typically use Big O notati...

Explaining the Vulcan Rocket to Space Enthusiasts

The Vulcan rocket uses methalox, a cleaner, more efficient fuel, which could be a game-changer. And with its ability to carry more to space, we’re looking at a future where more satellites, more science, and more exploration is possible. It’s like ULA has taken the best parts of their ol...

Divided Feelings About The New Space Boom

Russia’s recent disaster of a moon landing has prompted some curiously divided feelings in me. On the one hand, I’m super excited by the recent surge of moon missions. I was a young child in the mid-70s, when the Apollo moon landings were still ringing like a cultural bell; ...

Explaining the Vulcan Rocket to Space Enthusiasts

The Vulcan rocket uses methalox, a cleaner, more efficient fuel, which could be a game-changer. And with its ability to carry more to space, we’re looking at a future where more satellites, more science, and more exploration is possible. It’s like ULA has taken the best parts of their ol...

The Space x Healthcare Collaboration You Probably Never Heard Of

Where the stars twinkle and the planets dance, humanity’s quest for innovation knows no bounds. Among the pioneers of this new frontier is Varda Space Industries, a company at the forefront of microgravity manufacturing. Their latest endeavor, the W-Series 1 spacecraft, embarked on a groundbre...

Space and Belonging

Again, my anthropological studies inspired this, because I came to see how brutal the family and social units are in countries other than the US. For instance, in India, where public space is a kind of ersatz heaven, those with psychological issues (typically when they suffer a psychotic break which...

Notes on the One and Many

The first thing to note is that infinite is not some noumenal space where everything is eternal and we can just float forever. The thinker who captured infinite best is Hegel, whereas someone like Žižek has elaborated endlessly on the temporality involved in his form of subjectivity, without fully...

Majestic Space of Musee L’Orangerie

Paris became home to many famous artists and people from all over the world coming here to see the art of Monet, Cezanne, and many others. Mostly focusing on the Louvre, D’Orsay visitors forget that there are other galleries, that are smaller but not less charming and interesting. Musee L&rsqu...

The Bar as Public Space

People who know me won’t be surprised by this declaration: I like spending time in bars. In Europe, the definition of a “bar” is more vague than in other places. A bar isn’t just an establishment that will serve you alcohol. It can be a café, bistro, restaurant or even...

The Third Space

People generally have an idea of what kind of life they want to live. Those of us who crave solitude may want a quiet and private life, maybe self-sufficient on a homestead. Those of us who are community-driven may want to live in a walkable community with plenty of accessible public spaces. This...

I Feel Uncomfortable Re-Entering the Fitness Space

When friends scroll too far on my Instagram, they come across the photos of then. They often gasp, asking if that’s really me. Maybe they’ll say a joke or tease the incessant hashtags — #summergirl. Maybe they’ll frown or look slightly uncomfortable. They never real...

What is there in your bedroom? — a guide for describing a space

There is — when to use “There is” is used when we want to say that one thing exists in a particular place. It’s like pointing out a single item. For example, if you have a room with a bed, you would say, “There is a bed in the room.” You’re focu...