Why Is Einstein / Minkowski Space Bending Not Real?

<p>Time slowing down near massive objects was verified accurately near the Earth: second (time unit) is about nanosecond dilated (longer) near the Earth than away from the Earth. Even in GPS satellites that use atomic clocks for geolocation, such clocks are&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/timematters/cheap-marine-buoys-vs-expensive-gps-satellites-2f44441a55a6" rel="noopener"><strong><em>almost half a nanosecond per second faster</em></strong></a>&nbsp;on the orbit than the same atomic clocks on the Earth. (And it is not because GPS satellites move fast: contrary to time slowing down inside fast-moving objects, time in GPS satellites speeds up because they are on high orbit.)</p> <p>Time dilation causes two interesting optical effects: refraction (change in light beam direction) and redshifting (change in light color &mdash; wavelength change). Here we need refraction only: light beam bends when travelling in space where time speed varies, literally by the same Snell&rsquo;s law that we learned in school:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/timematters/why-einstein-minkowsi-space-bending-is-not-real-c5913a71d387"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>