Tag: Soon

Keeping Plans Close: How To Avoid Revealing Your Hand Too Soon

Whether starting a business, vying for a promotion, or negotiating a deal, maintaining the element of surprise is often advantageous. As the old saying goes, “loose lips sink ships.” Oversharing plans and strategy too soon exposes your intentions and forfeits possible leverage. But...

Autumn’s Arrival Tells Us to Stop And Pay Attention; We Are Going Dark Soon

Welcome to Autumn, spiritual community! A brand new week, a shift in seasons, and September’s end mere days away may prove to be a bit too much for some people causing anxiety and depression. The falling leaves and cooling temperatures are an imminent reminder that Winter is around the corn...


Spooky Season is a global phenomenon, with grizzly ghouls from every tomb shuffling forth to get their mash on. In Berlin, Jos Porath, Creative Director of the upcoming NIGHTCRAWLERS, is looking to serve up scares and transform the way performing arts in Germany looks at Haunts. The haunt...

Homeless in RVs Near SF State Get Short Reprieve, But Years-Long Cluster Must Soon Break Up

With more than 100 people living for years in RVs and cars near San Francisco State University, SF homeless officials said in 2021 they would find a safe site for those people on the city’s west side. That search has come to nothing. Yesterday, pressure came from an unlikely source: ...

Christians Soon to Be a Minority in the USA

A few months ago, I wrote an article about how Australia is no longer a majority Christian nation. Now, according to new research from Pew, the USA is not too far behind. The USA has long been at the center of the evangelical church universe, enjoying majority status in the USA for as l...