Tag: Son

My Son Has No Words

Researchers say that the human eye can see a million colors. The light from the sun creates the movement of colors, and that is the gift my son has given me — the ability to see a million colors through his light. The other day, in the car, I leaned into my son to tell h...

His Name Was Daniel. He Could Have Been My Son.

As some of you know due to my recently published Medium series on the matter, I unexpectedly lost my wife, Lorie Girsh-Eisenberg, last month from a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the bursting of an undetected aneurysm. I have since found myself experiencing a veritable parade of reflective thoughts...

My Daughter Became My Son

“Russia bans all pro-LGBTQ publications in Russian advertising, media, books, films and theatre productions.” Should this actually surprise us? After all, Russia does not have the most stellar record when it comes to human rights. Particularly when it relates to the LGBTQ community. ...

A son of Hawai’i on its ecology — Savimbo

“In my opinion, the Hawaiian people are facing a very concerning trajectory, a trajectory where our ecology, traditions, and people are declining within our homelands. More Native Hawaiians are moving away to achieve a better quality of life and better costs of living elsewhere. In the absence...

The African Son of Peter the Great

Gannibal was born to a noble African family and was a son of a prince. His father owned many slaves and was in the business of trading slaves with the Ottoman Empire. In those days, African slaves were a big business in Europe and the Ottoman empire. At the age of eight, Gannibal’s hometown wa...