His Name Was Daniel. He Could Have Been My Son.

<p>As some of you know due to my recently published Medium series on the matter, I unexpectedly lost my wife, Lorie Girsh-Eisenberg, last month from a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the bursting of an undetected aneurysm.</p> <p>I have since found myself experiencing a veritable parade of reflective thoughts, looking back fondly on our courtship and marriage while holding random negative thoughts at bay.</p> <p>Though this is no veiled warning &mdash; please do not take it as such &mdash; I believe I now understand the self-destructive impulse of the subject that propelled the following story, the original version of which was published on Christmas Eve, 2018.</p> <p><a href="https://joeleisenberg.medium.com/his-name-was-daniel-he-could-have-been-my-son-acb098cbf398"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Daniels Son