A son of Hawai’i on its ecology — Savimbo

<p><em>&ldquo;In my opinion, the Hawaiian people are facing a very concerning trajectory, a trajectory where our ecology, traditions, and people are declining within our homelands. More Native Hawaiians are moving away to achieve a better quality of life and better costs of living elsewhere. In the absence of our presence I ponder what Hawaiʻi will be like, it feels we are facing a possible future where my people are completely displaced from our traditional lands, who then will stand up for the sacred if not for native people. Who will protect our waters? Who will speak against the destruction of our sacred places for profit margins. We the Hawaiian people sincerely pray, that humanity will self reflect the collective destruction of our planet and the role we play in it.&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>- Benji Ekolu Rodrigues</p> <p><a href="https://savimbos.medium.com/a-son-of-hawaii-on-its-ecology-savimbo-ab82a1e69039"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Son Hawaii