Tag: Societies

Why Human Societies Need to Believe in Myths in Order to Exist

I recently went on a trip to Mongolia. I used their currency the tugrik to buy daily things like Americanos; if brewed coffee exists there I never found it! I also used American dollars for bigger purchases like my guided tour since people tend to trust it more than the local money. I m...

Why Human Societies Need to Believe in Myths in Order to Exist

I recently went on a trip to Mongolia. I used their currency the tugrik to buy daily things like Americanos; if brewed coffee exists there I never found it! I also used American dollars for bigger purchases like my guided tour since people tend to trust it more than the local money. I m...

The Great Weirding of Our Economies and Societies

What exactly do the 2020s hold in store for a weary world? There’s a problem that nobody can figure out right now, and it’s called the economy. Take America’s as an example: it just added an astonishing number of jobs, and the unemployment rate’s now at lows not seen sin...

Stoner Societies vs Alcoholic Societies

Perhaps you’ve seen the meme pictured above. The image depicts two opposing societies. One is technologically advanced, and the other is technologically primitive. The technologically advanced society is marked “Alcoholic Societies” and the other “Stoner Societies.” Ove...

The Difference Between Traditional and Modern Societies

Traditionalism is a fringe, but increasingly popular ‘ideology’ in online right-wing circles. I put ideology in quotation marks because the word seems to mean wildly different things to different people making it hard to define in simple terms. Generally speaking, the ideas and politics ...

Cultural Perspectives on Risk: Exploring Risk Perception and Attitudes Across Societies

The world of cultural perspectives allows us to understand human society’s innate diversity and complexity. One of the fascinating aspects of this exploration is understanding how different cultures perceive and interact with risk. Risk, by definition, is the potential for loss or gain o...