Stoner Societies vs Alcoholic Societies

<p>Perhaps you&rsquo;ve seen the meme pictured above. The image depicts two opposing societies. One is technologically advanced, and the other is technologically primitive. The technologically advanced society is marked &ldquo;Alcoholic Societies&rdquo; and the other &ldquo;Stoner Societies.&rdquo; Overall, the image wants to encourage you to believe that alcoholic societies are better than stoner societies.</p> <p>There is no doubt that alcohol is most strongly associated with the West, and the West is the most technologically advanced. Together with the idea that a society&rsquo;s choice of drugs plays a role in determining how civilizations evolve, you will probably conclude that alcohol may be linked to technological advancement. If you&rsquo;re a technophile, you might think alcohol is the superior drug.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>