Tag: Six

Six Places to Teach Your Kids How to Drive

I’ve had to teach three kids how to drive, with one more yet to learn. Luckily, that day is still about two years away, so hopefully, that gives my nerves enough time to calm down from the last one. If you have been given the thankless task of teaching your child how to drive, here are some...

The six unusual secrets of the happiest people

I’ve lived a life with plenty of unnecessary struggle, heartbreak and frustration. I’ve always been interested in what separates generally happy people from those who seem to attract all the struggle and bad luck. There are several ‘secrets’ shared by the happiest peopl...

Zen Art: Mu Qi’s Six Persimmons

This is Chinese Zen master Mu Qi’s famous 13th-century painting of six persimmons. Notice that there’s no table and no shadows. It’s groundless, like the mirror-mind or groundless condition of all things–what Zen Buddhists like to call groundlessness. The floating persim...

Chapter Six. The Future

Once an irrelevant colonial outpost insulated from the rest of the world, Sydney is now a thriving metropolis, intrinsically connected with booming Asia-Pacific markets, other global cities and international communities throughout the world. Sydney has evolved rapidly and has avoided recession si...

Top Six of Taipei’s Most Beautiful Libraries

Whenever I have time to kill in a new city, I head for a public library. Unlike a coffee shop, there is no fee, and you are guaranteed a quiet space to work. Whether you’re looking to study, escape the heat, or relax with a good book, here are some of Taipei’s best options. National T...

THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE TACKY THINGS Learning from Toronto’s forgotten and prescient Imperial Six cinema

Toronto has a near-perfect record of dismantling and actively forgetting its history. Perhaps because it’s become a place of such rapid change, it’s inevitable that even the most notable people, buildings and events get swept aside in our fragile collective municipal memory, if we even h...

The Six Enemies of The Mind(Arishadvarga/Shadripu)

According to Hindu scriptures, these bind the soul to the cycle of birth and death and keep it confined in this material world (confines of Maya or relative existence). Especially the first three are said to pave the way towards hell. The first two bring about difficult experiences we face in our li...

“Six Persimmons” The Revolutionary painting by the Chan Monk Muxi

The world of Chinese painting has long been characterized by its adherence to tradition and the profound influence of Confucianism. However, amidst this backdrop of conformity, one figure stood out as a revolutionary: Chan monk Muxi. Muxi’s famous painting, “Six Persimmons,” defied...

Six ways to become immortal

The fear of disappearing without a trace has been festering people for many thousands of years. Each of us, juhttps://medium.com/cryogen/six-ways-to-become-immortal-c9ce7b61c855st once in a lifetime, was thinking about what kind of epitaph would be written on the tombstone, and what good memories fr...