THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE TACKY THINGS Learning from Toronto’s forgotten and prescient Imperial Six cinema

<p>Toronto has a near-perfect record of dismantling and actively forgetting its history. Perhaps because it&rsquo;s become a place of such rapid change, it&rsquo;s inevitable that even the most notable people, buildings and events get swept aside in our fragile collective municipal memory, if we even have one. So, can we dare to hope for some reflection on the cultural flotsam and jetsam of the city&rsquo;s past? Even the tacky?</p> <p>It may not be that the thirteen-year saga of the Imperial Six &mdash; a latterly iconic 1970s multiplex on Yonge St., deemed &ldquo;monstrously ugly&rdquo;, &ldquo;badly-designed&rdquo; and &ldquo;tasteless&rdquo;, and a home for soft-porn, kung-fu and even earnest Canadian movies &mdash; is worth shedding too many tears over. The Imperial Six was hated by critics but loved by audiences.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Six cinema