Tag: Sins

Serpents And Sins: Punishment, Piety, And Vigilance In Dante’s “Inferno”

What is the true nature of punishment? How do we contend with the reality of evil? Can humanity find redemption amidst its horrors? Dante Alighieri's “Inferno” is the first part of the epic poem “The Divine Comedy,” written in the early 14th century. Dante was one o...

Sins of a leader: Insecurity

During my regular #CoffeeWithFriends session, a friend shared her frustrations with her Reporting Officer (RO). She was tasked to organize an event and, during the initial Approval of Plan meeting with her Counter-Signing Officer (CSO), had proposed an event sequence of A, B, C and D. During the pre...

The Three ‘Sins’ of Judaism

I don’t know if Inuit actually has more than one word that translates to the English word ‘snow,’ but I am sure that Hebrew has at least three words that translate to the English word ‘sin.’ Because I’m American, I speak English, and most of the people I know who ...

The Sins of the Father

A man like a dream: At 6’ 4’’ and 170 lbs, with blue eyes and a genius IQ of 160, donor #9623 seems like a perfect candidate to start a family. He describes himself as a lookalike of Jim Carey, Brandon Lee, and Tom Cruise. The man is unusually athletic, optimistic, a devoted Christ...

The Most Dangerous of Dante’s Seven Deadly Sins

As a therapist, I’m often asked what the most common sin I see in my sessions out of Dante’s seven deadly sins. To be fair, I see all the sins in various ways and that is not a negative judgment. Additionally, I’m not Christian but if I were, I would say I have my own sins to focus...