The Sins of the Father

<p>A man like a dream: At 6&rsquo; 4&rsquo;&rsquo; and 170 lbs, with blue eyes and a genius IQ of 160, donor #9623 seems like a perfect candidate to start a family. He describes himself as a lookalike of Jim Carey, Brandon Lee, and Tom Cruise. The man is unusually athletic, optimistic, a devoted Christian, a talented musician, and an artist. He has been &ldquo;recognized as one of the most proficient drummers alive,&rdquo; he writes on his application. Of English-German ethnicity, he speaks four languages and is on his way to get a Ph.D. in neuroscientist engineering. His idol: Nelson Mandela. His life motto: &ldquo;Live Love.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sins Father