Tag: Silent

Fight Unplanned Work, the Silent Killer of Projects

Visualizing the health of your codebase offers an actionable starting point and potential trigger for paying down technical debt. However, any organizations looking to improve their delivery efficiency have to take a broader perspective. In addition to the technical improvements, you also need to re...

Stress: The Silent Assassin — Unmasking Its Impact on Modern Life

Since immemorial times, Stress, an innate response ingrained in our species, once played a vital role in our survival. However, in the contemporary World, it has earned a sinister reputation as “the silent assassin.” I’ve been studying Stress and Anxiety for a decade, mainly bec...

The Silent Meeting Manifesto v1: Making meeting suck a little less

Meetings suck. It’s a universally accepted truth. I’m here to tell you that they don’t have to. I’m writing with the fervor of a missionary to stop terrible meetings. After discovering Silent Meetings I am converted. This article is meant to be put to use. It’s pa...

Everything you always wanted to know about running Silent Meetings but were too afraid to ask

What are Silent Meetings? “Silent Meetings” are meetings where most of the time is spent working and not talking. When done correctly most of the meeting is spent silently working together. Is it 100% silent? Not really… A rule of thumb is a silent meeting is where more than...

Best homeopathy doctors for Asthma treatment with no side effects

Asthma is a well-known chronic respiratory illness that affects millions of people across the globe. It's a condition marked by the inflammation of the airways. This may cause symptoms that range in severity from moderate to severe. If you have asthma, you must be aware of symptoms, know when it...

Understanding Kubernetes Exit Code 137: A Silent-killer of Java apps

At Moss, Java apps are at the core of our microservices. However, from time to time, they encounter issues. This is where the Moss Platform Team steps in. We are the team responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of applications on Kubernetes. A few weeks ago, an issue occurred when some...

All about Silent Push Notifications. Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction In this article I would like to share my experience of implementing Silent Push Notifications in an iOS app. The purpose of using Silent Push Notifications was to solve the problem of some services going to sleep when the phone is idle for a long period of time. Or for example, if you ...

What I Learned from Taking Part in a Silent Dinner

I am fascinated by public moments of silence to commemorate the dead. In Spain, it seems as if every other first-league football game starts with one. Shushing as many as 80,000 people, ready to cheer for their team with raw emotion, has always struck me as quite an accomplishment, and the resulting...

never take all the silent moments for granted

One of the silent moments that I love the most is the moment I ate onigiri at a park in Tokyo during autumn. Tokyo — November 11th, 2022 It was in the morning, I guess it was 9 AM, I headed to the city at Ueno park from Taito. I wore my sleeve because it was already cold in the early...

Is Synthetic Animal Feed a Silent Threat?

Synthetic feeds are created to give an appropriate ratio of proteins, lipids, carbs, vitamins, and minerals required for animal growth. However, the natural green grasses do not contain all essential elements in one crop. So, animals must consume multiple fodder crops to get all the required macr...

Antarctica’s Silent Scream: A Plea for Global Action in the Face of Unprecedented Environmental Change

Antarctica has lost 150 gigatons of ice mass annually since 2002, according to NASA’s GRACE satellites. This, along with global temperature shifts, prompts reflection on humanity’s role in climate change and its impact on Antarctica. Despite no permanent settlements, research t...

The Silent Crisis of Africa’s Endangered Great Apes

With a combined global population estimated between 519,000 and 688,000, all non-human great ape species (gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and Asia’s orangutans) are either endangered or critically endangered on the IUCN Red List and CITES Appendix 1, suggesting that there is a significant ...

The Earth’s Silent Pact

Standing on Earth, quiet and still, guardians in her ancient, whispering forests, under the vast, watchful sky. Her breath in the wind, her heartbeat in the rivers, a rhythm, old and soft, a dance of delicate balance. We are her children, temporary but aware, holding a trust as old as time &...

The Silent Discipline

You know, Buddhism is a religion based on the principle of non-violence. So, almost no punishment system was established to discipline individuals for bad conduct. Instead, it was always trusting self-improvement, and one was responsible for their progress. However, it was mentioned that a partic...

I Want to Start a Movement: Can

One word will be the theme for this week, and that word is “can.” This word will inspire your achievements and help you find what you need to have joy, a sense of accomplishment, and an appreciation for the gifts we exchange. I hope you will use this word often and explore what it means ...

Should White Folks Be Silent about Racism?

If all it took to end racism was for Black Americans to speak out about it, it would’ve happened already. Unfortunately, that’s not how racism works. We all have a unique voice to lend to the chorus that speaks out against racism. Some people sing the melody, some bass notes, and othe...

The Silent Treatment

Joe from marketing enters the office and rushes past the new guy to greet his buddies with a happy slap on the back. Shelly from accounting, with her dearth of sporting enthusiasm, doesn’t get invited to the fantasy hockey league. Mark finds Jake so intolerable that he outright ignores the guy...

Silent Sacrifices: The Unspoken Continuing Struggles of Women in Modern Society

Emotional labour, a term that has gained momentum, refers to the often unnoticed effort of managing emotions, both one’s own and those of others. For women, this includes providing emotional support, smoothing over conflicts, and generally ensuring the emotional well-being of those around them...

The Silent Patient

The protagonist of the psychological thriller “The Silent Patient” is successful painter Alicia Berenson, who resides in a posh area of London. With a devoted husband called Gabriel, Alicia seems to have the ideal existence. However, everything changes one evening when she is discovered ...

The Silent Majority No More:

In the vast landscape of American politics, where the roar of the left and right often dominates the conversation, there lies a significant yet frequently overlooked group: the centrists. Recent population polls paint a picture quite different from the polarized narrative commonly portrayed in media...

A Silent Awakening of Millions of Americans

Jesse Cheng, an activist for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, works in public relations. As a community activist for AAPI, Jesse Cheng is involved in establishing a platform for this group, which includes his involvement in OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates of O...

Plants are Nature’s Silent Powerhouse

In the realm of botany, recent research has shed light on the nature of plant behavior pushing boundaries and questioning held beliefs. One area of study, known as plant neurobiology suggests that plants may possess a different kind of intelligence. Yet, some scientists remain skeptic...

Combating the Silent Foe: A Museologist’s Guide to Eradicating Fungus from Old Books

As a museologist, the well-being of the cultural treasures under your care is paramount. Among these treasures, old books hold a unique place, serving as vessels of knowledge, artistry, and whispers of the past. However, these very pages can also become unwitting hosts to a silent foe — fungus...

A silent conversation inside a silent place

“Yes, this is true; and look at the unique little hairs that I have hidden away under here” the little plant whispered back shyly; “please place me with my relatives; with those plants that look just like me, that in actual fact are me, from a different time and perhaps from a diff...

The Silent Saboteur: Confronting the Hidden Cause of Hair Loss

This villain’s modus operandi is as insidious as it is destructive. The growth of it begins by smothering the scalp — the very action is as cruel as tossing a tarp over breathing life. Thus, the hair follicles, or the very wellspring of hair growth, are plunged into a desperate struggle ...