A silent conversation inside a silent place

<p>&ldquo;Yes, this is true; and look at the unique little hairs that I have hidden away under here&rdquo; the little plant whispered back shyly; &ldquo;please place me with my relatives; with those plants that look just like me, that in actual fact are me, from a different time and perhaps from a different place.&rdquo;</p> <p>So I gently pick up the flattened little plant, glued against its cardboard home, and take it to where it belongs. As I open up the folder, in which it will reside from now on, I can almost hear the invisible celebration from all of the other flattened plants that it joins. This new member adds something to their story, whether it&rsquo;s a distinct curve in the leaf edge that has never been noticed before, or a new dot on the map that represents their original wild home. Every little flat plant matters, every little flat plant has something to say.</p> <p><a href="https://a-k-ruiters.medium.com/a-silent-conversation-inside-a-silent-place-fcceef0b7148"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>