All about Silent Push Notifications. Step-by-Step Guide

<p><strong>Introduction</strong><br /> In this article I would like to share my experience of implementing Silent Push Notifications in an iOS app. The purpose of using Silent Push Notifications was to solve the problem of some services going to sleep when the phone is idle for a long period of time. Or for example, if you have a messenger app and you want the user to be able to access new/updated content and not have to wait for it to download. Silent Push Notifications allowed us to activate the app once every 21 minutes (the minimum value we picked up so that Apple would not grant a temporary ban) and run the services in the background to update.</p> <p><strong>Silent Push Notifications</strong><br /> Provide the ability to update the content of your application, make API calls and perform background tasks. They are sent without activating screen beeping or other visible notifications<br /> (In fact, the application goes into an &ldquo;active&rdquo; state, and is generally no different from a normal startup. Navigation will function and screens will initialise, although they will not be visible on the screen. All actions called in the &ldquo;didFinishLaunchingWithOptions&rdquo; method will also be executed).<br /> Silent push notifications wake up your application in the background, allowing time to download data from the server and perform tasks in the background.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Silent push